Martins Cove

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Reaction score
Leftcoast of Canada
# of dives
500 - 999
I sure wish I could have made that trip. Always wanted to try Martins Cove. Dale does your camera have a manual white balance? My videos were green until I found the white balance. Only trick with that is to white balance with the light source you are going to use with the video. Once I figured that out I was golden. Shoot me a pm if you want more info and some examples.

Ron L.
Ron, it does have a manual white balance (Intova 800) but I am seriously just learning how to point and shoot :dork2: I still have an external stobe coming for it and then I will start to learn the finer details. Will pick your brain then.

I picked up an old moon snail shell for my wife and stuck it in my pocket and when I got up to the van I took it out and a very small (2-3") octopus was crawling out of it. Andrew took a pic with his cell but I was in too big a rush to return it to the water to take one with my camera (too bad, it was very cute). Anyways...

Andrew and Vince:

Vince again:

A Marc inspired self portrait:

Moon Jelly:

Crimson, Painted or Rose Anenome:

A honkin big GPO:
cool Dale, and it looks like it stopped raining where you were also. :)
My computer won't let me upload the pics of the Octo from my phone or I'd post them. If I figure it out I will.
Dale, I went for a splash in Kakawa lake today to make sure my suit is leaking and not my body and found lots of fresh water mussels, do you see them in all the lakes you dive?
Yes - the holy trinity for most lakes includes: Crawfish, fresh water mussels, mottled Sculpins and Sticklebacks... Oops that's four. What part of the lake did you dive?
Hey Dale - those are great video clips. It was nice meeting and diving with you.
Anita :)
Welcome to the board Anita :). Hopefully we can do it again. Since you are into photography I suggest you check out Marcs website. His username on the board is Swankenstein (I'll edit in a link).
Here it is:

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