Suggestion Marketing SB to benefit the community

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I've been on ScubaBoard for quite a while now and recruited I don't know how many people (at least one or two :wink:). One thing I never bother with, is having them put in my referrer ID. In my experience with marketing, you want to make things simple. Having people load in a bunch of numbers is just a hassle right off the bat.

Might I suggest, offering a free trial "supporting member" membership? Say for two weeks to a month :ne_nau:

A couple of things that should come of this:

1. People will be excited about the membership. So rather than thinking, "another day" they will want to get on asap.

2. They will see the benefit of being a supporting member and will hopefully sign-on to stay a member before their trial runs out thus benefitting SB.
I've been on ScubaBoard for quite a while now and recruited I don't know how many people (at least one or two :wink:). One thing I never bother with, is having them put in my referrer ID. In my experience with marketing, you want to make things simple. Having people load in a bunch of numbers is just a hassle right off the bat.

Might I suggest, offering a free trial "supporting member" membership? Say for two weeks to a month :ne_nau:

A couple of things that should come of this:

1. People will be excited about the membership. So rather than thinking, "another day" they will want to get on asap.

2. They will see the benefit of being a supporting member and will hopefully sign-on to stay a member before their trial runs out thus benefitting SB.
great idea Tracy!

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