I am not sure WHY there needs to be a distinction between being professional and not here. Expert, highly paid commercial boat builders built the titanic: amateurs built the ark.
Payment often has little bearing on competence. A desire to learn and to improve will take you far further than just being a paid professional. As a former Master Automotive Technician and Service Advisor, it amazed me at how some people can just fix anything given the proper tools, and sometimes in spite of the tools that they had. I met some very innovative shade tree mechanics who often out performed my professionals. They would have made lousy line techs, but their automotive acumen was astonishing. I also remember the disparaging talk by some of my under performing techs about how they could NOT make it as a line tech. So what? Their accomplishments were driven by passion, which is something a lot of professionals seem to lose along the way.
Passion is lost on those who do not possess it. They don't see it's value and they surely don't benefit from the resultant drive. But passion pushes you to the edge over and over again. Not for some atavistic adrenaline rush, but in a sincere desire to be the very best. If you really want to see passion, ask me about ScubaBoard sometime.
Payment often has little bearing on competence. A desire to learn and to improve will take you far further than just being a paid professional. As a former Master Automotive Technician and Service Advisor, it amazed me at how some people can just fix anything given the proper tools, and sometimes in spite of the tools that they had. I met some very innovative shade tree mechanics who often out performed my professionals. They would have made lousy line techs, but their automotive acumen was astonishing. I also remember the disparaging talk by some of my under performing techs about how they could NOT make it as a line tech. So what? Their accomplishments were driven by passion, which is something a lot of professionals seem to lose along the way.
Passion is lost on those who do not possess it. They don't see it's value and they surely don't benefit from the resultant drive. But passion pushes you to the edge over and over again. Not for some atavistic adrenaline rush, but in a sincere desire to be the very best. If you really want to see passion, ask me about ScubaBoard sometime.