There's something to be said for just diving the same spot for a couple years to get to know it. Every single dive is still a surprise, and today was no exception. Usually, I'll spot 0-1 giant kelpfish, but today I saw 5 or 6! Viz seemed good as we were getting in at the edge of the water, but then turned a little milky for the actual dive. Regardless, it was still really great viz for the location and I'd put it at a good 20'. There were horn sharks swimming around us the whole dive, beige ones like last time and black ones too. Most of my pictures thus are milky, but the videos look better.
The dive was 1:15, temp hit 59ºF (though I'm assuming that's at max depth; most of the time it was 60ºF), max depth was 15fsw and average was 8fsw.
Right after we dropped, jackpot! Kelpfish!
And then a school of various fish
I'll skip the usual suspects and post up the unusual ones.
Buddy, taking a closer look at that sheep crab
Our first sighting of a shark on this dive. As the horn shark raced past us, I wondered... what huge animal scared off a horn shark that badly and should I be watching my back?!
and another one
take a break
and we found him again
nice big orange lobster
the tail end of a shark again. It looked... fat? Do they look fat when they're pregnant?
this one was hanging out about 5' away from the previous
Another Kelpfish!
Some guy in a Poseidon rebreather raced off after this poor guy. I regret answering him where the shark went
Rubberlip Perch
Giant Kelpfish
another Giant Kelpfish, right next to the one in the previous picture. This one, I decided to record too.
And to close off the dive because not much else happened, I think that first shark we saw racing past was just this guy circling us the whole dive.
The dive was 1:15, temp hit 59ºF (though I'm assuming that's at max depth; most of the time it was 60ºF), max depth was 15fsw and average was 8fsw.
Right after we dropped, jackpot! Kelpfish!
And then a school of various fish
I'll skip the usual suspects and post up the unusual ones.
Buddy, taking a closer look at that sheep crab
Our first sighting of a shark on this dive. As the horn shark raced past us, I wondered... what huge animal scared off a horn shark that badly and should I be watching my back?!
and another one
take a break
and we found him again
nice big orange lobster
the tail end of a shark again. It looked... fat? Do they look fat when they're pregnant?
this one was hanging out about 5' away from the previous
Another Kelpfish!
Some guy in a Poseidon rebreather raced off after this poor guy. I regret answering him where the shark went
Rubberlip Perch
Giant Kelpfish
another Giant Kelpfish, right next to the one in the previous picture. This one, I decided to record too.
And to close off the dive because not much else happened, I think that first shark we saw racing past was just this guy circling us the whole dive.