It was decidedly more calm this weekend than last, so my buddy and I were excited to have a nice leisurely dive this morning. As we were kicking out to our drop point, viz was excellent! Unfortunately, the second we were over the green stuff, viz went to sand soup. We swam through it for a good 10 minutes until it opened up, where we were rewarded with an amazing dive. Viz did keep opening up and then turning sandy again a couple times, but nowhere near as bad as the beginning of the dive. We hit the tall strands of kelp about 40mins into the dive, heading towards the cove, so maybe we hit the edge of the cove kelp stands? We had a nice ~1:10 long dive in 64ºF water, max depth 22 fsw, average 11fsw. Sadly no sea hares, sharks or rays this time, but some nice giant kelpfish was a pleasant surprise.

I wonder whose babies these are?

The rubberlip perch photobombed..

I've only ever seen them at marineroom and nowhere else.

The usual staring contest

Now, I tried to take a picture of that nice snail, but it ended up just focusing on the kelp behind. If I changed the focus to macro, the surge was too rough to actually be able to focus on anything, so y'alls just get a blurry snail.

more kelpfish!

I guess maybe I'm in a school with them?

and tons of schooling senoritas today

Sheephead in the bottom center there with all the bass. I think I saw at least 50 bass today.

I've got no idea.. are they male/female of the same species?

A nice school of some kind of bait fish -

And a flatfish of some kind.. we've got a couple different kinds that I can't tell the difference between. It was ~1' long.

I wonder whose babies these are?

The rubberlip perch photobombed..

I've only ever seen them at marineroom and nowhere else.

The usual staring contest

Now, I tried to take a picture of that nice snail, but it ended up just focusing on the kelp behind. If I changed the focus to macro, the surge was too rough to actually be able to focus on anything, so y'alls just get a blurry snail.

more kelpfish!

I guess maybe I'm in a school with them?

and tons of schooling senoritas today

Sheephead in the bottom center there with all the bass. I think I saw at least 50 bass today.

I've got no idea.. are they male/female of the same species?

A nice school of some kind of bait fish -

And a flatfish of some kind.. we've got a couple different kinds that I can't tell the difference between. It was ~1' long.