Mares Icon HD

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Geezr . . . thanks for the info . . . with regard to the OC1, how does it look under water (i.e. can you see the information pretty easily)? One of my concernse was my ability to see my computer in low visiblity conditions (like a wreck dive or quarry). I actually looked at that but it seemed like I could get more features via the three computers I was looking at. That said, I missed that the U-zurich did not have a compass. That is a bummer . . . I REALLY liked the OLED display on that.

I am really looking for a wrist computer on which I can monitor my air, my buddy's air (more than one would be awesome). I liked the dive planning and maps on the Icon, but if they cannot monitor a buddy's air, I will likely look for something else. Plus, I have a trip to Maui in March and would like to have something in place before then.
RD -

Thanks. In all respect, who did you communicate with? A retailer? Someone employed by Mares? Do you mind sharing his/her contact information?

The "answer" you were provided by the representative that "it will be Mar/Apr before it is out" is yet another non-conclusive statement that equates to "the wireless AI upgrade will be available on some uncertain date after April 2011." Really not an answer. Does that mean "Autumn 2012"? [Remember the promise of "Autumn 2010"?]

If there is a issue with licensing the technology, I would really love to know it (which could add years to the release). I am beginning to suspect that is the true reason as it appears Zak has been maintaining "radio silence" on this issue.

Spartan -

I wish I could be more helpful - but it depends on a few factors. In really bad visibility (like some of our Texas lakes in the summer), I can barely see anything. It would not matter if I had London's Big Ben strapped to my wrist. The best way to compare is to go into your local dive center that carries them and just strap them on and see how your own eyes adjust to the screen. The OC1 is about the same screen size as the Atom (if you are familiar with that unit). The VT3 is bigger (obviously). I am 50 and wear contacts for "close to 20/20 vision" and I have no issues reading the VT3 screen size at "normal reading distance." I have to hold the OC1 a bit closer.

[For the record, I do not own either the VT3 or OC1. I own a bunch of Oceanics, including a couple of VTPros (which is the predecessor to the VT3). A number of my students own the VT3 - so I am very familiar with their operation both in and out of the water.]

Relative to the Icon, it does have nice displays (i.e. big numbers) - but so does the Sol and the unit from uZurich.

[OT: Also compare compass modes - if that is a feature that interests you. Some you will find clearly superior to others.....]
Spartan -

I should have read your 'entire' post before responding.

The dive maps on the Icon are a nonstarter at this juncture. [Just ask.] "Dive planning" on the Icon is no different than any other good computer. In sum - in my opinion - these "features" are not something that you should really base a purchase decision.

I would have to look it up again - but I think the Oceanics allow for more than one buddy. Even this feature is not all that it is marketed to be -- as no matter which unit you buy, you have to be real close to your buddy before you can pick up his signal. When I say "real close", I mean real close - as in "just show me your gauge and I can read it myself close." Do not get me wrong, it is cool - but the range is less than what is advertised. [Heck - some of the wireless AI units on the market lose connection between the wrist unit and the tank transmitter by simply extending your arm for an extended period of time.]

Relative to the digital compasses on the available units presently on the market, I just not that impressed. Perhaps I am old school, but I like my old fashion "analog" unit. In addition, with any wrist mounted compass, digital or otherwise, I have to cross one arm to the fully extended other arm (to create a right-angle). This is not comfortable to me (personally) - as much as having both arms extended (or elbows on the chest) and the compass nestled in the cup of both of my palms. [Navigating with the new Atomic - because it is a console computer - would be easier for me.]

Maui will be fun (and a long way from the quarry - like our Blue Lagoon in Huntsville). With any purchase decision, give consideration to what you really need. Your cave diver buddies would tell you to "keep it simple, stu--d." I am not a fan of cave diving, but I think they got it right.
RD -

Thanks. In all respect, who did you communicate with? A retailer? Someone employed by Mares? Do you mind sharing his/her contact information?

The "answer" you were provided by the representative that "it will be Mar/Apr before it is out" is yet another non-conclusive statement that equates to "the wireless AI upgrade will be available on some uncertain date after April 2011." Really not an answer. Does that mean "Autumn 2012"? [Remember the promise of "Autumn 2010"?]

If there is a issue with licensing the technology, I would really love to know it (which could add years to the release). I am beginning to suspect that is the true reason as it appears Zak has been maintaining "radio silence" on this issue.


It was a tech at the Mares Lab he was very helpful in getting my Icon working and at the very end I asked 2 ?. 1. When is the air integration being released and 2. Will it be able to read buddys air? The answer was a flat NO!:(
Hi all, Not radio silence, I've simply been away. I am completely underwater with work, and unfortunately not diving or checking in here daily.
If you were to go back through some of my previous posts it would have answered at least a couple of questions. I'll try to do my best although I have to be brief so I apologize in advance.

  • The best answer for a date of arrival is Spring, We are hoping to have in March or April, but I will not promise as we have already been late as it is.
  • I cannot speak to patent law, as this is confidential information.
  • I can speak to the fact that it will be available one way or another.
  • I do not know where our tech received his info re: multiple gas readings. I am going to try and get an update from Mares HQ re: this capability. I will post as soon as I know.
  • The transmitter is in testing phase ie: in water
  • Tooling is built
  • Once proven to be reliable, we go into production. Since all other factors of production are complete, we should be able to produce quite quickly.
  • We are very shortly releasing a firmware update 2.0 which will outline some of the AI capacities.. The info I have is not easily postable on this forum, but I will try to find a way around it.
I hope this helps to answer your questions. I apologize for not responding sooner, I just have to prioritize my time. I will try to keep up with you all more promptly.

Best regards to all,

Here is a quick update. I have confirmation that the Icon HD A/I (when available) will have the capacity to read multiple users air levels. It is quite possible it will read up to 8 users (don't hold me to this number though). This should dispell some misnomers.

Wow, I'm not sure I'd want to keep track of that many but it'd probably be great for an instructor, or Father with too many children!!
I think this has some application to the dive guides. This way they can keep track of everyones air consumption without physically touching each diver. (if they so choose).. Or yes a large family, out of my budget though! ;)
Hi Zak, in your earlier posts you suggest that the AI upgrade will be on a 'return and replace' basis. Yet in your latest AI update you suggest that the latest firmware will outline some of the AI's capabilities.
Why show these capabilities if the current hardware is incompatible ?
Can you recomfirm the upgrade procedure for those of us who have been waiting with baited breaths.
Also if you have any contacts in Europe can you ask for euro release 'targets' (at least the US site publishes target release dates - we get nothing !!! Hmmm - I could have sworn Mares was Italian.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Zak, in your earlier posts you suggest that the AI upgrade will be on a 'return and replace' basis. Yet in your latest AI update you suggest that the latest firmware will outline some of the AI's capabilities.
Why show these capabilities if the current hardware is incompatible ?
Can you recomfirm the upgrade procedure for those of us who have been waiting with baited breaths.
Also if you have any contacts in Europe can you ask for euro release 'targets' (at least the US site publishes target release dates - we get nothing !!! Hmmm - I could have sworn Mares was Italian.

Thanks in advance,

I am not a software engineer, so I can't answer with certainty, however I believe when writing an update or upgrade everything possible should be included for future developments. The only reason the current Icon computers already in use will not accept A/I is because they do not have a physical piece of hardware to register the air signal. Otherwise nothing changes with the exception of tweaks and upgrades from a firmware update.

The Euro target dates for release will be the same time frame as the U.S. release. We are all waiting for the same thing. As production begins, the initial quantities will be divided regionally hopefully equitably and or by demand. Some markets do not demand air integration as enthusiastically as others.. (U.S.) ;) At any rate they should be available in most countries within a week or so of each other. Not taking into account shipping time from factory to distribution center to retailer...

I hope this helps. And yes Mares is most definitely Italian, but also quite global.. :)


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