Mares Icon HD

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Hi, I believe the transmitter will be complete by end of 2010. There is still some testing to be done. It is possible to be available sooner, but I'd rather be conservative with my estimation.

Icon can be charged via USB, Stand alone wall plug, unit comes with many converters to be compatible with most power sources. Generally speaking if you have electricty, you will find a way to charge.

I just got back from bonne terre and talked to the Chicago Rep for Mares and August 2010 is when the transmitter will be available. You will take your computer to any authorized dealer and pay the price difference between the Icon HD without transmitter and Icon HD with transmitter. Most transmitters alone cost between $300-$400 so I would say that this is the price we will be paying for the upgrade. They will be giving us a brand new computer and transmitter which is nice for us who have had ours for awhile and might have some scratches that we did not want. :D
I'm following your posts about the Mares Icon HD.
This computer looks fantastic and i d like to get one soon. But as i am a student, my budget is always small :(

Does somone know the online-shop:
It this shop really a Mares Authorized Dealer?

Regards is a European store. If they are an Authorized Dealer, then you will most likely need to send your computer to Europe in the even it needs to be serviced. If you search the boards there are plenty of horror stories from people who purchased gear from that site and then were not able to have it warrantied locally, in any decent amount of time, or at all in some cases.

I wouldn't advise purchasing from them.

Is there a way to get the "Simulator" screen on the Icon HD to Display in ft and not meters? I have the computer set to display in ft in the settings, and it displays in ft everywhere else, but on the simulator screen it is always in meters, no matter what I change. Am I missing something, or is this just a bug?
Hi All,

I dove with my Icon HD a week ago and noticed that the compass was WAY off. I check all of the "Declination" settings and nothing seems to get "North" to point anywhere near "North."

After a quick call to my friendly local Mares rep (thanks Steve!), I was pointed to a "secret" calibration screen. So for any of you with compass' that don't seem right, go to the "Set computer" menu, choose "Calibration" and enter the super-secure passcode of "1234". You'll see a graphic of the Icon HD. With the Icon HD on a flat surface, keep the screen level and rotate it in-place counter-clockwise twice, then press "Back". Voila- "North" should be a lot closer to "North."
Regarding power supplies for the Icon HD and battery charge duration - I picked up a Solio Mag solar charger. Solio Mag web page. The unit has 3 solar panels to collect the sun and charge its internal LiIon battery. It then uses that built-in battery to recharge just about anything; phone, iPod, Icon HD, etc... I take it along with me just in case and it works great at topping off the Icon while away from any other terrestrial power source. Picked up mine from a guy on eBay for a great price.

In fact, Hurricane season is upon us here in South Florida and I just hope that this thing won't come in handy ;)

Is there a way to get the "Simulator" screen on the Icon HD to Display in ft and not meters? I have the computer set to display in ft in the settings, and it displays in ft everywhere else, but on the simulator screen it is always in meters, no matter what I change. Am I missing something, or is this just a bug?

Have you downloaded the "dive manager" software from Mares website? If so have you then plugged in your Icon to dive manager to ensure you have the most recent firmware? This is plug and play if you have the dive manager downloaded first. It should prompt you into updating the Icon if it's not the most recent. This should fix any bug issues.

Let me know if this does not work.

Thanks Zak!!

When I connected the computer it did not prompt me to update to the latest firmware, but I was able to locate the Firmware on the Mares website and get it installed.

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