MARES Abys Regs Question

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Reaction score
Tarzana, CA
# of dives
50 - 99
Ok question here. I currently have a Mares Abyss Reg and Octo with I believe is the MR22 1st stage... Just had it overhauled about 6 months ago and have about 10-15 dives on it since then. Here is the Problem last dive had some problems with it again and what to know what you guys think it may be and if it is worth fixing again or should I move on to a new set up...... If you take 1 breath off of the Octo or the 2nd stage a small leak starts and does not stop until you turn the air off. I am taking it this is in the first stage since it is happening on both 2nd and octo does this sound like a HP seat? I know I just had a new one put in should it have cracked or gone this bad so quickly? Hope to hear from anyone soon. Now on a side note and recommendations on a new reg set up. Really liked this one and how it breathed but can not stand the problems much longer....

Is it leaking from the mouthpiece :06:

If so, when it was overhauled it may have been tuned up a bit, When my Proton XL was new it did this for a while, same with the octo, then stoped after 20 dives.

Also could the diaphrams have got some dirt in them :06:although this is unlikely.

Take them back to the shop, explain the problem and ask if they can detune them a bit.

Hope this helps
If it happens from either the primary or the octo, you are probably right in that it is having an IP creep problem. They are pretty nice regs - one thing you could do is update it with a spherical core seat setup. It's the same seat they put in the new MR32, and it will just pop in and take the place of the standard seat yours uses. The spherical core seat setups and much better in avoiding IP creep. To convert it would be about $50 in parts during a standard overhaul.
Mr Mares:
Is it leaking from the mouthpiece :06:

If so, when it was overhauled it may have been tuned up a bit, When my Proton XL was new it did this for a while, same with the octo, then stoped after 20 dives.

Also could the diaphrams have got some dirt in them :06:although this is unlikely.

Take them back to the shop, explain the problem and ask if they can detune them a bit.

Hope this helps

Yes it seems to be leaking at the mouth piece. The they were set to Mares Factory Specs for the regs.. just finding it strage that this is happening after about 10 - 15 dives after getting it overhauled had it ovehauled because of major free flow problems with my Octo. I do know it was detuned during overhaul. I did take the reg apart and made sure the diaphram were clean and that no sand was binding up anything in that area... Just seems strange that it seems to be happening all of a sudden to both Octo and 2nd stage.
Larry, I bow to a higher power :D
If it happens from either the primary or the octo, you are probably right in that it is having an IP creep problem. They are pretty nice regs - one thing you could do is update it with a spherical core seat setup. It's the same seat they put in the new MR32, and it will just pop in and take the place of the standard seat yours uses. The spherical core seat setups and much better in avoiding IP creep. To convert it would be about $50 in parts during a standard overhaul.

I have an older MR-12 and it has the same problem in both the primary and octo... after 10-15 dives they need to be adjusted... again. I mentioned this to my local Mares dealer and he indicated that a new seat could be installed which would prevent that problem.
It could be the ip creep, but if this doesn't happen until you breathe off it, it is likely a tuning issue. I think that a 1/8 turn on either reg will fix it. This happens if the tech tunes it so perfectly that when the cone makes the grove in the lp seat it cannot seal backup after the first couple of dives. Fixing this is simple and the shop shouldn't charge you if you are a nice guy. If it does it by itself after a while of being pressurized then it is an ip creep.
Ok question here. I currently have a Mares Abyss Reg and Octo with I believe is the MR22 1st stage... Just had it overhauled about 6 months ago and have about 10-15 dives on it since then. Here is the Problem last dive had some problems with it again and what to know what you guys think it may be and if it is worth fixing again or should I move on to a new set up...... If you take 1 breath off of the Octo or the 2nd stage a small leak starts and does not stop until you turn the air off. I am taking it this is in the first stage since it is happening on both 2nd and octo does this sound like a HP seat? I know I just had a new one put in should it have cracked or gone this bad so quickly? Hope to hear from anyone soon. Now on a side note and recommendations on a new reg set up. Really liked this one and how it breathed but can not stand the problems much longer....

With the Abyss, I've been told that you have to press the purge button when pressurizing the system because the HP seat can be damaged otherwise. I've seen the damaged HP seats myself and do it on my Abyss. Were you pressing the purge when turning on the valve?
Let the LDS take a look at it and maybe upgrade to the SCS that Larry was talking about if the valve seat is damaged. If not, let them set the IP again and don't forget to press the purge when pressurizing the system.
You may want to get yourself a new regulator but you'll notice quickly that your Abyss is as good as all the other regs if not even better.
Some will recommend Apeks, other will recommend Scubapro or Atomics. If you are really serious about getting a new reg, I'd recommend renting couple of the regs before buying and comparing them to your Abyss. There is a chance that after comparing, you'll not want to "upgrade" anymore :wink:
Thanks for all the help... Just got off the phone with the Teck and I am going to swing by his shop tomorrow and we are going to look at it and run it threw some tests to see what is going on I will let you all know. I do love the reg and the way it breaths just have had so many little problems with it from Free flow of the octo which took 2 overhauls to fix. First one used non Mares Orings and a few other some what right sized parts... I hope we are able to fix it and am keeping my Fingers crosses. Thanks for the Info about keeping the purge button pressed I have not been given that info in the past and will ask the Teck about it when I am there tomorrow. Happy Diving and hopefuly I will be back on the bug Hunt tomorrow night..

If the IP isn't the issue, then the tech might have set the cracking effort too low on both of the second stages. When the seat takes its indentation, it can and typically does lead to a free flow if the adjustments were on the minimum end of the range.

I typically set the primary reg to flow at 1.25", and the backup reg to 1.5". This allows opitimum service with case geometry issues kept in mind. It also generally eliminates the nagging free flows that rear their ugly heads when a tech tries to get it "too good".

Larry has a very good point about upgrading the first stage to a spherical core seal sytem. This often leads to the first stage going at least 50% more dives before requiring replacement of the HP sealing part(s).


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