Welcome mamanan,
I see that you are new to the board. Raul has a small boat but he is big on service. On the boat he has a radio, first aid kit, and other safety equiptment. He also has these great lined rain slickers to keep you warm and dry on those few days that the weather might turn nasty. He always has bottled water, fruit, and energy bars. Sometimes he will also have a wonderfull cake for the surface interval. Anything you want within reason he will do. If you want to do the surface interval at a beach resturant to get some food he will do that. Since leaving a steady job last year to go out on his own he knows that service is what will keep his cutomers coming back and spreading the word about his operation. He has made me and my wife feel like family.
When we fly into Cancun and take the ferry to Coz he picks us up at the pier if he's not out with customers and takes us to the hotel. When I was his only diver in Jan. and he can't take just 1 he looses money, he arranged for me to go with another operater that he has a working relationship with, and has a class act that he knew I would like. As a favor to him that dive shop gave me a ride to there boat and back to my hotel which was north of town. Ask anyone dive operaters don't pick up north of town you have to taxi to the marina. Not me. Anyway this is getting long you can get more from others on the Board if you want but I can tell you that if this is your first trip to Coz Dive Paradise will put you on a slow cattle boat and your dives will be a time dive of 35-45 min tops. Small fast boats get you back at mid day and you can enjoy the afternoon.