on behalf of the pasaways i would like to thank the following individuals for making the effort to head to our side of the world and joining us for the dive-o-rama III. without your presence, most of the crazy pictures and insane events would not have been possible. it was a treat indeed to actually meet the guys behind the screen names. now that we know how you peeps look like it will be easier to identify you should the need arise cheers guys you made it all memorable.
1. Jagfish and family: for taking the time to handcarry our toys back to gallera. you made a lot of ppders happy. oh by the way chip was a broken record saying how good looking you were and all. you have the most adorable kids, most down to earth wife. cheers!
2. Thepurpulehammerhead (larry) for getting all of us messed up and for showing your feminine side topside and underwater
3. pakman (mike) for showing us how its done on top of a bar with all fours. we got some serious blackmail material on you which we plan to release on the other side of the dmz
4.zee: for keeping ish company the ENTIRE TIME when chip was too busy scamming on iris. and for making me guilty everytime i think of quicksilver and billabong
5. midwestdiver (gio) for showing us that once a pinoy always pinoy. and i thought you were maui taylor all along!
6. Diver Dennis: for pretending to be the most responsible individual in the group and for being such a gracious patron in atlantis had i known you were treating to dives i would have joined you and do some dives on helium
7.DinDavid: for living up to your reputation as a joker and party animal extraordinaire. do you even remember jumping on top of the bar, ripping out your shirt and giving a howl followed by the ymca solo? your one cool dude!
8. pufferfish: for gracing us with your presence and introducing us to the mrs. i hope she doesnt bann you from SB after the show we put on.
9.Mysterious will: half pasaway and for just being there and complaining about the food and all. hope to see you in the next dor.
10. Mike Veitch: for being there in spirit, and taking the time to call the psychic hotline and sign up for the DIR astral-travelling course so that he could pay ish a visit in PG
11. Moonie: for just being yourself and stealing some of the canucks fire. he defintely wasnt the only studmuffin in town.
hoy pasaways feel free to add more!!!
1. Jagfish and family: for taking the time to handcarry our toys back to gallera. you made a lot of ppders happy. oh by the way chip was a broken record saying how good looking you were and all. you have the most adorable kids, most down to earth wife. cheers!
2. Thepurpulehammerhead (larry) for getting all of us messed up and for showing your feminine side topside and underwater
3. pakman (mike) for showing us how its done on top of a bar with all fours. we got some serious blackmail material on you which we plan to release on the other side of the dmz
4.zee: for keeping ish company the ENTIRE TIME when chip was too busy scamming on iris. and for making me guilty everytime i think of quicksilver and billabong
5. midwestdiver (gio) for showing us that once a pinoy always pinoy. and i thought you were maui taylor all along!
6. Diver Dennis: for pretending to be the most responsible individual in the group and for being such a gracious patron in atlantis had i known you were treating to dives i would have joined you and do some dives on helium
7.DinDavid: for living up to your reputation as a joker and party animal extraordinaire. do you even remember jumping on top of the bar, ripping out your shirt and giving a howl followed by the ymca solo? your one cool dude!
8. pufferfish: for gracing us with your presence and introducing us to the mrs. i hope she doesnt bann you from SB after the show we put on.
9.Mysterious will: half pasaway and for just being there and complaining about the food and all. hope to see you in the next dor.
10. Mike Veitch: for being there in spirit, and taking the time to call the psychic hotline and sign up for the DIR astral-travelling course so that he could pay ish a visit in PG
11. Moonie: for just being yourself and stealing some of the canucks fire. he defintely wasnt the only studmuffin in town.
hoy pasaways feel free to add more!!!