Manual White Balance Adjusting . . ??

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I'm a bit confused. If the water filters out the red light, then how can setting the white balance accurately replace the red? Has anyone run a test of taking a pic with mwb but no strobe and then with a strobe but no mwb to see how they compare?

If you go to depth and adjust the white balance and take pics, then surface and forget to adjust the white balance again your pics will be very red. I used to have a couple pics but i deleted them after i forgot to reset my white balance above water.
I'm a bit confused. If the water filters out the red light, then how can setting the white balance accurately replace the red? Has anyone run a test of taking a pic with mwb but no strobe and then with a strobe but no mwb to see how they compare?

I'm not sure how it works. I guess the red, green and blue pixel response of the CCD is amplified independently before digitising. Red is amplified more than blue and green.

I've made some pictures and some comparison with image preprocessing in photoshop: see my site

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