Man crushed diving Tidenham’s - Gloucestershire, UK

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Or so the story goes. It doesn't say how he was crushed or at what depth. Maybe a news reporter just misunderstood...??

Diver dies of crush wounds
A 28-YEAR-OLD man has died in a diving accident at Tidenham’s National Diving Centre.

The victim suffered fatal chest injuries while diving at the 250m deep flooded quarry on Sunday afternoon.

A Gloucestershire Police spokeswoman said: "Officers were called by the ambulance service to the National Diving Centre in Tidenham, Chepstow, at 3.30pm on Sunday, October 8.

"A 28-year-old man from Essex who had been diving at the location sustained serious chest injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.

"The man’s next of kin and the coroner have been informed and his death is not being treated as suspicious."

The centre, which has sunken planes, helicopters, buses, armoured vehicles and a cruiser on the bed of the quarry, was the scene of another diver’s death three years ago.
Based on the NDAC web site the quarry has a max depth of 82 metre, so that much is wrong at least.
My condolences to relatives and friends, that may read this.
Erroneous reporting does not help anyone
Based on the NDAC web site the quarry has a max depth of 82 metre, so that much is wrong at least.
That's 269 feet. We can't expect news reporters to be knowledgeable about scuba diving, but it's nice when they get the basics right. Other news stories are using the term "crushed" but they may be taking that from one confused report?
Chest injuries would lead me to suspect an AGE is more likely, but that's just speculation. I'd also suspect somehow the reporter made a quick search and found the depth in feet and confused that for metric.
sad news for all involved...condolences to family, friends, and colleagues.
7L tank... even if it's a HP tank that's about equivalent of an AL80, if it's not, then it's a third less, not exactly the first choice for deep dives.
I suspect one of two things happened: he didn't notice how negatively buoyant he was, perhaps due to a leaky BCD, or just poor buoyancy control, or he just wasn't keeping track of his depth, either one could happen in poor vis, got deep without noticing, ran low on air, and made an emergency ascent.
Before people keep speculating without bothering to read the more informative article posted by Mr M.

He died after sustaining a gas embolism and pulmonary barometric trauma.
It is not speculation to state that the diver exceeded the level of his training. Unlikely to be a medical event at 28. The baro-trauma suggests he didn't undergo appropriate deco obligations. His computer will tell you a lot about his profile. His equipment has been presumably checked as would be customary in a scuba death investigation. Not sure this case will generate additional information.

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