Hi, I've been diving on Malta this summer and last year. They have loads of cool wrecks that don't require wreckdiving specialty and are often at reasonable depths. Fun thing about Malta is that where you stay is not relevant to where you'll dive: everywhere on the island (and Gozo and Comino) are easily reached within 30-45 minutes. I stayed in St Pauls Bay and we went everywhere. Given the depths, you may want to use nitrox although it's not stricktly necessary. Both years I used Maltaqua. Last year was fantastic, this year ok(-ish).
The best wreck to visit is the Um El Faroud (hands down): It's huge, very accessible from shore and the bottom is about 37 meters, but most of the dive is around 25m. P29, Rozi and P31(Comino) are nice as well, so are The Blue hole (Gozo) and the inland sea (Gozo). Most of these dives are 20-30m. These are all very popular and often-visited sites.
Have fun!