if you're making something solid, it's pretty silly to use lead shot... just think of the wasted space between the balls!rat314:You can do as I did.
Go to Wally World or other discount store and purchase a couple of the bar soap boxes. Usually sold in the travel kits.
These make good mould's.
Spray the mould with PAM, or another type of cooking spray. (As a release agent.)
Mix up an appropriate amount of 30 minute epoxy and mix a measured amount of your lead shot with this. Pour into your mould and allow to set up for 24-48 hours.
The epoxy will effectively waterproof the shot and makes for a good sturdy brick weight. You can experiment and find moulds of differing sizes and shapes for your own customized weight needs.
(This idea was one I actually used for making weights to help balance Model Aircraft when I built them.)
It seems to me that a bag of lead shot is between 1-1/2 and 2 times the size of the same weight of lead in a block... what happened to the whole "streamlining" thing that has been taught in scuba classes forever?