I was a commercial oilfield diver for 10 years & loved every minute; I'd still be there now but for the want of a life beyond the deepsea, you see, "the life" demands your all...if your not willing to give it don't even consider it.
With a good attitude & your bags always packed & by the door you will get:
* a reasonable living. There is some big money out there but it goes to the top 20% in the field; the average diver will make 70k-100k in a good year.
* travel...you gotta go where the work is or you don't.
* Great adventures...commercial divers remain some of the most interesting characters around & the camraderie is second to none.
*the ultimate in "Tech. diving"...forget multiple bottles & redundant regs., you are now a hard-hat diver, that means surface-supplied gases, saturation complexes & remotely operated vehicles to name but a few. And there is depth, very ,very big depth for those who pursue it.
What you won't get:
* a stable marriage
* any semblance of a "normal" social life
* land legs
* statuatory holidays off
* a pension
* bored
You could be an inshore diver, but that ain't "the life".Its more like a regular construction job except you do it underwater. Not to say these guys aren't good, au contraire'...they can take their construction skills & apply them anywhere in any type of diving job. Never forget, you are paid for what you can do, not because you know how to get there.
Go to
http://www.offshorediver.com & read & ask your question.
The best of luck to you, mate!