Madison (AL) Quarry back in the news....

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SouthEast USA
FYI. Madison Quarry in the news...


City Council studying possibilities for use of abandoned quarry land
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
For the Madison Spirit
How it's used could affect the nearby Edgewater area

The city is evaluating the potential use for abandoned quarry property and has prepared a Request for Proposal intended to solicit formal proposals to lease, license or purchase the property.

City Councilman Jerry Jennings, whose has the quarry in his district, said there have been many preliminary inquiries about the property, including using it as a possible test site for rocket motors.

Jennings said the city obtained a professional land appraisal last September. The appraisal, which includes the western industrial side of the property, the quarry waterhole, and the eastern residential area, indicates the property is worth more than $570,000. The quarry property is located in city of Madison and incorporates 100 acres near the Edgewater residential community.

Jennings said the principle feature of the quarry property is the depleted abandoned quarry hole that has filled with water and has been used for recreational scuba diving activities for nearly 10 years.

The quarry property was deeded to Madison in 1995 after industrial quarrying operations ceased. In 1996, Rock Divers Inc. entered a 10-year lease with the city for the quarry property. Rock Divers operated the property as a recreational and entertainment facility, with primary emphasis on scuba diving activities. In September 2005, Rock Divers ceased operations and abandoned the quarry property, one year before lease termination. The quarry property has reverted to city control.

Jennings said Mayor Sandy Kirkindall has designated the eastern portion of the quarry property (zoned AG) for development as a passive rustic park.

"I fully concur with that initiative," he said. "Unfortunately development of this park must be delayed indefinitely because of the defeat of the recent tax referendum"

As a result of the defeat, Jennings said this portion of the park has not been secured as a designated park area.

"With the anticipation of no funds being appropriated or expended on park development in the intermediate future, the potential now exists for possible alternate uses of that land," he said. "Future city administrations may elect other uses, even the sale for revenue for probable unknown commercial development."

Jennings said it is the remainder of the property that is most problematic at the current time.

"The M2 Industrial zoning directly abuts the backyard property lines of many of Edgewater residents," he said. The sale of that portion of the quarry property with M2 zoning entails the potential of commercial activities that could adversely affect the quality of life of the adjacent homeowners, if not the entire Edgewatercommunity."

Jennings said a recent new development has been an interest expressed by the Madison Water and Wastewater Board to acquire the quarry hole and use the water in it as an emergency water source for the city if need be.

Jennings said now the city must decide what to do with quarry property.

"The choices are to either lease or license the property again, sell the property, retain the property for future city use, or actually negotiate with the Water Board for the acquisition of the property," he said. "I don't think the City Council will support the third option, and in my opinion, the property is not a viable probability.

Jennings said he urges the residents of Edgewater and the Edgewater Home Owners Association to call the mayor's office, City Council and Madison Water and Wastewater Board to tell them that they support they acquisition of the quarryproperty by the water board.

"It should also be stated that you firmly oppose the outright sale of the property to any other entity where the city loses control of the property," he said. "A worst-case scenario would be the sale of the property with the M2 zoning designation. Remember the interest by rocket motor testers."
Here's a rocket science question for the "we need more money" crowd... (shouldn't be a problem in Madison, what with all the resident rocket scientists).
If we (the taxpayers) won't let you (the tax & spenders) raise tax rates, how can you increase revenue?
This may take some thinking out of your traditional mimdset, but I assure you there is an answer.
If we (the taxpayers) won't let you (the tax & spenders) raise tax rates, how can you increase revenue?[/I]

It's magic.

You assume politicians to be logical, rational thinkers. Fie, fie.
When I lack the revenue, I use a noval approach....I spend less, especially on items I really don't need (except scuba gear of course).
When I lack the revenue, I use a noval approach....I spend less, especially on items I really don't need (except scuba gear of course).
That's because your spending your own money. It's a whole lot more fun when you're spending somebody else's money.
That's because your spending your own money. It's a whole lot more fun when you're spending somebody else's money.

Let me spend your next paycheck to see how that feels and I'll let you know if it's more fun.
Let me spend your next paycheck to see how that feels and I'll let you know if it's more fun.
Why don't we get Mike's credit card and we can both see how it feels?
Why don't we get Mike's credit card and we can both see how it feels?

You'll have to fight my wife for them.... I already know how it feels... but from the other side of it....
more quarry news....

Looks like the City Council member wants to "give" the quarry to the water board.

City may give quarry to water board

Leada Gore, Madison Record

The city of Madison's troubled quarry could end up in the hands of the Water Board. In return, the city may increase its holdings on Balch Road.

The city is investigating the possibility of giving the quarry to the Water Board to use as an emergency water source. The idea could include a land swap, with the board handing over some 50 acres it owns on Balch Road.

"Sounds like a win for the city," Councilman Tim Cowles said.

Until recently, the quarry has been operated by Rock Divers. They left the quarry after rent disputes with the city. The council had been considering putting out bids for another quarry operators but most seem in favor of the swap instead.

Councilman Jerry Jennings said he would rather the quarry be used by the Water Board.

"The residents of the city would benefit from minimizing or maybe eliminating peak-time water purchases from Huntsville," Jennings said.

The city of Huntsville recently increased its emergency water rates 112 percent and another 50 percent increase is expected this summer. Madison has to purchase water from Huntsville when it can cover demand during peak times.

The board would use the quarry site as an additional water resource and the city may still have access to the land surrounding the water. That land could be used as a walking trail.

In return, the city would receive the 50 acres on Balch Road, with the board retaining 8 acres at that sight. The 8 acres is part of a wellhead.

Jennings said there is a water tank near the quarry and using the site as a back-up water source would mean less problems at the nearby Edgewater community.

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