I have the tg-5 and the pt-058 housing I have used it in the warm waters of Mexico at 80+ degrees and I use it all the time here in Alaska in temps down to 39 degrees , so I have had it in a wide range of temperatures. I have never once had any fog inside the housing and I don't use the packet, although I did once have a hair on the oring and partially flooded it. Minus that I take it out and charge it up at night and leave the housing open to fully dry out before placing it back into the housing before the dive. As far as turning it on and off I usually shut it down after I take the pictures, it starts back up pretty fast almost as fast as if you let it go to sleep on its own. I easily get 3 dives on a battery and could get more even in the cold. it.
I have never been able to get three dives on the same battery with my tg-4 and think it uses the same one as the tg-5. I keep it on and let it go to sleep while diving so wonder if that makes a difference. I do have it set to go to sleep on the shortest time setting though.