I've had a many suits custom made and one nightmare comes to mind when I read this post. Don has been around a long time and I have had a few suits made at M&B. I ordered 2 jackets and a john from him and paid over $1000 a few years ago. The 1/2" jacket was just not going to work. The hood was so tight that it cut off my circulation. Took it in and he said "it should be right...let's re-measure you." He told me my measurement's are right so it must fit. I would have felt better if he told me the measurement's we're off. After begging him to fix it it took 6 month to get it back and a lot of phone calls. Every wetsuit maker makes mistakes not just M&B. Just find one that backs their work and is willing to correct it without a hassle. Other than that he is a nice guy.