Now I'm reading a book about scuba diving and this book has the following paragraph:
"Let's say a freediver has 4 l of air in the lungs. At 10 meters the pressure doubles and the volume of air in the lungs squeezed by water is 2 l. At 30 m it is 1 l."
Also, I googled it and found a lot of pictures like that
that show that the volume of lungs is 5 times less at 40 m.
And, I don't understand why it is true. This law is true for BCD or balloons. But my lungs are not a balloon, they are inside my body, and water presses my rib cage. I can agree that the volume can decrease twice or something like that but not 5 times. (Let's say the volume of my lungs becomes 1 l, but the volume inside my rib cage is almost the same, so something should fill the difference (gas or liquid), what is it?)
Could someone explain why I'm wrong?
Hi there,
I actually made an account because I wanted to share the explanation that I've been given that made most sense to me. I had the same question as you for the longest time. Here it is:
At depth, the water pressure pushes on our tympanic membranes (and also our cheeks and other soft, easily compressible parts of our head/neck). When we equalise our ears, we are shifting air from our lungs into our middle ear in order to push back against the water pressure pushing inward. The deeper we go, the higher the pressure pushing in on our tympanic membranes. As a result, we equalise further by pumping even more air from our lungs into our middle ear. When we pump air from our lungs into our middle ear, our lungs are reducing in size (like exhaling, except into our ears). This results in the overall observation that our lungs are "squeezing down".
Edit for clarification: the volume that we are equalising is not just the space of our middle ear. The middle ear is a continuous chamber with the Eustachian tube, and thus the pharynx, and thus the lungs. We need to pressurise this entire space which has a total volume of [space of lungs + air spaces of head/neck]. It would be impossible to pressurise the middle ear alone (which
@inquisit astutely pointed out is tiny in volume) without pressurising the entire rest of the chamber because high pressure air from the middle ear would just flow out the Eustachian tube to a lower pressure zone.
Edit continued: When we descend 30m underwater to an ambient pressure of 4 Bar, we need to pressurise our middle ear to 4x what it was at the surface. To do this we must also pressurise the
entire chamber space continuous with our lungs to 4x the air density of what it was at the surface. Hence, the lungs reduce in size to
just under a quarter of its volume (specifically, one quarter of its volume minus the volume needed to pressurise the head/neck air spaces). So what they say about our lungs reducing to a quarter of their size when we dive 30m is 100% correct, but the explanation that it's because our ribcage and lungs are being squeezed like a balloon is in my opinion imperfect.
Naturally, the deeper we go the more air pressure we need in order to equalise. This is why we need to breathe denser air as we dive deeper. This is why someone had to invent the modern stage 1 regulator which brings the pressure in our cylinder to a pressure that matches ambient pressure (actually slightly higher than ambient pressure). As we dive deeper our regulator gives us denser air, and we end up going through our air supply quicker. I saw all this in some divemaster exam prep video on YouTube. I know it might seem like a bit of a tangent but I find it to be a cool fact that ties things in nicely.
I've personally seen lots of internet answers talking about Boyle's law and whatnot, but I think Boyle's law can only contribute a tiny amount (just the degree to which your ribcage can be squeezed). The rest I believe is due to us equalising.
I hope this makes sense to someone

I'm a medical doctor in Australia, previous HSC physics state ranker and of course a keen diver who loves education. I absolutely have no intention of spreading misinformation. This is the explanation which personally makes the most sense to me. If you disagree please let me know so we can learn together. I'll absolutely delete my reply if I discover I am wrong.