Love the brand new Brigade - have a "tweener" question

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I've got a large Brand new Zeagle Brigade - the scubatoys escape-ranger hybrid exclusive and I LOVE it.

I think I might love it more with XL shoulders.

Would the shoulders for the Brigade be the same as Ranger? What would the part # be? And the retail price?

I tried searching and found a xploded bc view on zeagle website but nothing to click on. Seems to me I ran across info on this when I didn't want it but now that I am actively searching? Big fat zero!!!

Thanks in advance for any assistance
The Brigade IS a Ranger, just with a smaller bladder on the back and a different name on the front. Parts are absolutely interchangeable, because they're the same.

For price and part number, I suggest calling ScubaToys.
If its new from ScubaToys, they might just swap out the shoulder section for an XL. Give them a call one way or another.

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