Lost my "Viewing Thread"!

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Doh!! I saw it coming that's why I didn't tell you to ask support!!

Thanks Stephen, your on a roll the last couple days...please step away from the keyboard before somebody gets hurt :D


I'm an IDIOT! Why didn't you warn me not to ask? :D You know that I'm a bit... slow. I don't understand all this computer stuff!

I trust that since this is a privacy issue that no one else can monitor where I am... including Mods?

And speaking of privacy issues... I can't get my "invisible" mode to work. Even with the box checked I still show up as logged on at the bottom of the main page.
Stephen Ash:
I trust that since this is a privacy issue that no one else can monitor where I am... including Mods?
Mods can see this info.

However, Mods are also bound by these extra rules...

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Stephen Ash:
And speaking of privacy issues... I can't get my "invisible" mode to work. Even with the box checked I still show up as logged on at the bottom of the main page.
I'll have a look at it.
Well I appreciate the fact that mods have some extra rules. But the rules that you listed don't seem to be applicable to the question at hand. Maybe they are... I just don't know.

And... I don't see why Mods need to know what thread I'm looking at. May I ask why they need that ability? If it isn't mission critical, then I think you should suspend their ability to monitor where I am. Privacy is privacy. Mods are users just like everyone else.

Are the Mods looking at my PMs? Of course, not.

I know this isn't a big deal but give us all the ability to see what threads others are looking at... or give that ability to no one. Seems fair.

...just a thought...
Now I can't do it either.
Thanks, Steven. :shakehead :shakehead

Step away from the KEYBOARD...

just kidding...
Stephen Ash:
Mods are users just like everyone else.
If that were the case we wouldn't be able to do our job.

We got some extra tools to do our job and some extra rules to make sure we don't abuse those extra tools.
FWIW, I really liked that ability to see where my buddies where at what threads they were reading/posting saved alot of time in me searching around for something interesting. I figured if people didn't want me to see (I didn't know I was an exception) they would choose to be invisible (i.e opt-out). Kindof makes my Buddy List useless now. I guess I don't understand all issues in respects to Privacy after all this is a public internet forum, I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in regards to my registration info and things I explicitly say "don't show" such as e-mail address, beyond that not so much.


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