Question Looking for trip ideas in Africa

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Whom did you dive with in Madagascar? Thanks
CWK...I (sadly) did not dive in Madagascar...only land activities. The land activities were amazing!! If I had to do it again, I probably would have taken some additional days to dive in Nosy Be.
Hey @Adamastor
We’ve combined Zanzibar with Kenya and Tanzania and it’s a pretty cool combo. Diving was actually excellent but organization a bit chaotic

My wife Nathalie wrote up the trip with lots of pictures here:

I’ve kept in touch with our dive master Hassan and he has since helped organize private dive trips (Better organized and more Flexible) for some other SB members including @hedonist222 who can attest to this. If it works out for you DM me and I will happily provide his WhatsApp number:

Logistically we were lucky enough to have Qatar cancel our original flight a reroute us back directly from Zanzibar through Doha. They also fly into Kilimanjaro which is cool. Nat has some Safari camp write ups on her blog too that might provide you some inspiration.

So far we have not tried Mozambique which is also supposedly great diving and hope to one day also try Kenya’s coasts Diani beach, but we’ve heard mixed review about the latter.

Good luck and I’m sure you will live both the above and below the shoreline adventures

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