Looking for suggestions...Female/40's/newly single

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Reaction score
Columbus, OH
# of dives
100 - 199
I am a female diver, in my 40's and newly added to the "single life" once again....
Any suggestions on places to go diving that would not only be beautiful diving..... but.... also safe and fun as a single, female???
It depends on for what exactly you are searching. If a variety of diving interests you, Florida is hard to beat. You'll find better reefs in the Caribbean and better wrecks off NC, but there are excellent reefs and wrecks here along with springs, manatees and more. If you decide on Florida, I'll show you some fun dive spots. I often meet out of state folks for dives.
Although married, I often travel to dive destinations by myself.
Staying in a resort hotel full of couples can sometimes be a downer, even if it is safe.

OTOH, group trips, live aboards, and dedicated dive resorts such as Scuba Club Cozumel are more single traveler friendly.

Since you're from Ohio, you know what cold is. Catalina offers nice cool waters with plenty to see in the kelp forests. In addition it is a very safe place for a single woman... unless they happen to encounter the infamous DrBill.

Seriously, it is a great diving destination if you have never done kelp, and you can shore dive to your heart's content at Casino Point.

Dr. Bill
The Cayman Islands are widely considered one of the safest (albeit more costly) destinations in the Caribbean. Little crime. First rate (for the islands) medical care in an emergency. And of course the diving ain't half bad either! :wink:

Group events add activities. Total Submersion is an annual event promoted by the PADI Travel Society that takes over Sunset House for a week each year.
Go to Gilboa.
Thank you all for any and all suggestions... My dream destination is Little Cayman... One of these days I will get to dive there...
Gilboa is a quarry within driving distance that I have been hearing pretty good things about----as quarry diving goes. I am thinking more in terms of travel and warm water diving... wanting to meet other single divers while away... not feeling out of place as a single at a resort that has nothing but couples and/or families...
Keep the suggestions coming... and feel free to email me directly...
Thanks again... Karen
email: HNERAK@aol.com
I have been single for a long time, but don't let that stop you from doing whatever. I did my first dives in Barbados. VERY NICE PLACE. I never felt unsafe and the dives were great for my level of experience. Its not that expensive to travel there since you don't have to shell out the big bucks for a gated resort to protect you from the locals. Also, Walter is a really nice guy to dive with he know his stuff and he does not bite.
Ahh....have no fear travelling to places to go diving without someone to dive with. You'd be surprised how many local dive club trips have singles on them.
if you decide to do some wrecks dives off coast of NC let us know there plenty of us around hear would love to have some company and fun enjoy the dive comodity !!!!!!!!!!!

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