I am currently living and working in Playas Del Cocos and thought that anyone looking for up to date info might appreciate my diving experiences from the last week I have been working here.
So, in 7 days...
Day 1- 15-20ft vis, saw nothing but an inept student and a couple of parrotfish! What the heck am I doing diving in the Pacific, get me back to the Carribean
Day 2- Incredible... the wind changed and the vis shot up. We had 100 ft plus on local sites, my student became Jacques Cousteau overnight and we saw why this place has a reputation for fish... Triggers, Puffers, Jacks, Grunts... all in huge numbers. I was blown away, so were two of our customers who had divied the day before with my colleague.
Day 3- Darn it, missed the White Tips cos I was off to 100 ft deep with my advanced student instead of following the pack round the corner at the Monkey Head (dive site). Still got vis in excess of 100ft, massive school of Latin Grunts had hurried by towards the end of the first tank... beautiful.
Day 4- Vis dropped to a measley 60ft, saw a Green Turtle, 7 or 8 Spotted Eagle Rays. Advanced Student is cute and a good diver
Missed the White Tips again! Did a shore night dive in Ocotal Bay. Not one of the best I have ever done but the student liked it.
Day 5- Day off... what am I missing out there?!?!?
Day 6- Dives 1 and 2 of Open Water so did alot of watching my student disappear off to the surface, backside first! Of course, the up side is that I can see the surface and the sun behind him is creating a nice visual effect! AT LAST!!! 2 White Tips at Punta Patrick, 2 Spotted Eagle Rays at Punta Argentina and a multitude of Morays and Reef fish.
Day 7, today... Thats it, I'm staying. More White Tips, one adult and 2 juveniles (if you know where to look). A large green moray, several small morays and another 2 Eagle Rays. **SIGH**
The water temp has been a steady 27 Celcius, approx 85 F, and it is not aquarium diving, but this is soooo much more interesting. The other added bonus is that this area of Costa Rica is beautiful topside too.
You can take your Cocos and pay your $3000 for a week, for the rest of us mere mortals its the Catalinas for $170 for 3 tanks and all the Mantas you can handle at this time of year.
Thats my experience of diving round here, I'm lovin' it! It does change radically and overnight, be warned. Its not Florida, things dont always go as planned, the equpiment is not always brand spanking new (although some of ours is), there is no HDTV, this is Costa Rica after all!
As for the pros and cons of the different shops, well you better ask a customer that question but it will largely depend on whether you are the type of person who wants to dive for fun or training & whether you want to stay in a resort or be more independant.
Thats my two pence/cents worth.....
Wishing you good vis and happy bubble blowing!
Simon (No longer at Cross Creek Utila, really must change my signature!)