I think it is the same as it used to be. You want the manual, take the class.
Last time I checked, Chris was saying that he has started the process of making the Service Manuals available. That was almost a year ago. Since then a Service Manual has not been made available, hence my question. If officially it has been stated otherwise, please point me to it – I could be wrong.
If you don't have any "technical" certs, get one. Take advance nitrox, or deco procedures Those two will help any diver become safer, and more knowledgeable.
This has been discussed before and I agree that a Tech course will most likely help any diver become safer and more knowledgeable, although I still fail to see how this same course will help him/her become better at servicing regs.
The options are there, stop trying to work around the system and accept it.
I posted my question and directed it to the owners of the company precisely for that reason – to find out what the “system” is. You see I still have not come across any official statement from the company that a downloadable Service Manual will not be made available. In fact the opposite was stated.
Most manufactures require you to go to one of their repair classes to service be certified to repair their equipment. Actually if I am not mistaken, most if not all of these require you to be sponsored by a dive shop. HOG is the only one to extend this directly from the manufacture to the diver, and decided to go through TDI. I don't know if this is true, but has anyone actually considered that it might not be HOG requirement to be tech certified, and that it might be a TDI thing. I for one applaud HOG and what they are doing for the dive industry.
I applaud them as well.
I own several HOG products, and will buy more.
I will probably buy more as well after I save some money 
I have several tech certs but not the repair class yet. I will be taking it in the future. I understand the requirements and accept them, as you all should.
The requirements for taking the class are there and I agree that they should be followed. I was asking for the Service Manual though.
On another note, you can purchase many parts for other regs online, even download manuals from official or unofficial sources, but if you are not certified to work on those regs you void all warranties. It looks to me that HOG will still warranty the reg as long as you take their class. So in the end it is kinda the same thing,
but any tech diver can get the class, and not have to be working for or sponsored by a dive shop. That is the difference.
Not all divers that own HOG equipment live in the USA (it would be arrogant to think otherwise). My understanding is that HOG’s service class is only available in the States. If it becomes available to the rest of the world that would be great, but currently it is not.