jaeckert- I'm also looking to purchase my first Drysuit. I did my course in a Fusion Bullet
and it seemed to preform well enough (nothing to compare to). I also have to watch fitting I'm 6'3" 200 lbs.(seem to be inbetween sizes) had my sites on a bullet but now looking very seriosly at the Bare SB. The only thing I would like to know is-with this new fabric "how long to dry"? nowone seems to know. good luck and keep us posted.
and it seemed to preform well enough (nothing to compare to). I also have to watch fitting I'm 6'3" 200 lbs.(seem to be inbetween sizes) had my sites on a bullet but now looking very seriosly at the Bare SB. The only thing I would like to know is-with this new fabric "how long to dry"? nowone seems to know. good luck and keep us posted.