Looking for DB at Lake Mead

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Tampa, Florida
Good morning Scuba Board. I was just recently introduced to this site, and I have been slowly making my way through various boards and posting. (since I am not sure where to post DB requests, I will be multi posting this entry)

The long on short of my posting is in part an initial intro for my new found passion, but I am looking for a dive buddy. Details;

I have a business trip Tuesday and Wednesday in Las Vegas, and since I started diving, I have tried to not miss a single week.

I get in early enough to go out Tuesday afternoon but would like to also go out on Wednesday. If you are interested, please contact me.

In the mean time can anyone recommend any shops, dive centers, or points of interest worth checking out for this will be my first time to dive Lake Mead. And before anyone suggests it, I am not qualified to dive the B-29, though I am currently working on my technical certifications.


Can't dive midweek, but I can give you a few tips. Everything below applies to recreational diving, I can't comment on the technical dive sites, which I hear are worthwhile.

Dive shops: If you just need to rent tanks and weights (or anything else), the closest to Lake Mead is Colorado River Divers in Boulder City. Website: http://coloradoriverdivers.com/.

Points of interest: Hmmm..... Mead is a great place to get training and practice skills, but if you're shore diving there is not a whole lot to see right now. In summer the algae blooms and visibility drops to about 6 - 8 ft. It would be somewhat better from a boat. Even with good viz, still not much but mud and gypsum and a few fish.

Right now, the best place that I know of to shore dive is Saddle Cove. FYI, it is a bumpy dirt road down to the shore. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=saddle+cove+lake+mead&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=26.229722,58.710937&ie=UTF8&ll=36.081604,-114.800037&spn=0.006512,0.014334&t=h&z=17&om=1

Also, if searching the internet for recreational sites underwater, be careful. All of the maps or descriptions that you might find on the internet which pinpoint shallow wrecks and so forth are now obsolete (that I've seen, anyway). This is due to the severe drought which has dropped the lake level over 100 feet in the past couple of years. A google search will bring up mention of a scuba park with wrecks and things of interest, but it has dried up. Same with the batch plant, the Tortuga wreck, etc. Most who used scuba park now dive at Saddle Cove.

In the interest of full disclosure, a few weeks ago, I took a veteran diver out to Saddle Cove. He had never dived Lake Mead, he had only dived Florida and the Caribbean, but he loves diving and has hundreds of dives. After our dive, he said I had wasted his entire afternoon and demanded that I buy him dinner to make up for it. So, it's not for everybody.

Even though most of what I've said has been somewhat negative, I'll still be out there Saturday for 2 dives, working on becoming a better diver. Diving is what you make of it.
Hey Forest,

I sent you a PM. Give me a call. Maybe we can find a 3rd as I have only been to Saddle Cove once. Don't listen to the naysayers about poor vis there. It is not so bad if you only measure it in inches instead of feet :)

Don't listen to the naysayers about poor vis there. It is not so bad if you only measure it in inches instead of feet :)


:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

Actually, on yesterday's dives the viz was a few feet better, maybe because we were the first to show up before the bottom got stirred up. Also, on the bottom we found found a bag of anchovy bait which had been dropped by a fisherman. We created quite a nice feeding frenzy when we opened it under water (for the fish, not us). All in all, two very pleasant dives.
I posted earlier looking for dive buddies. I am making arrangements with Sin City Dive for a charter on Tuesday and Wednesday. If any one is looking to call out from work (I hear it is supposed to be around 106*) it would be a great day to be in the water.

Drop me a PM and I will give you my cell or vice a versa.

Lets get in the water.
Hey PawClaws and mohave steve,

Thanks for the great info. I am making arrangements with Sin City Dive for a charter on Tuesday and Wednesday. If any one is looking to call out from work (I hear it is supposed to be around 106*) it would be a great day to be in the water.

Drop me a PM and I will give you my cell or vice a versa.

Lets get in the water.

Please post a follow up of how it goes. I have seen Sin City Scuba's charter brochures in my dive shop, but have never actually spoken to anyone who has dived with them.

Have fun!

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