Looking for a place in Seattle area!

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Hello everybody!

Maybe you can help me out.
I am going to go for a second run of studying (lots of science but mostly Biological Oceanography), and will move to the Seattle area in the end of 2005.

It looks like the first 1-2 years I'll spend at Shoreline Commuity College, and after that --- if all works out --- I'll head on to the University of Washington for another 2 years of full-time study.

I'll have to live VERY low budget to make it through the whole 4 years of studying, and since I am a foreigner I can't really get my hands on many scholarships... so I am looking for a cheap place to stay!!!

I don't need much, but I think monthly cost for a room shouldn't be higher than 300 Dollars, and I'd prefer to find something low-budget, but not a complete dump and not a place I have to share with a bunch of Zombies or Psychos :D

Do any of you have any tipps? ideas? or you know something that'll be free towards the end of the year???

Preferably in Shoreline, or one of the surrounding communities.

Another thought I had:
What about a trailer? Do you know what I would have to pay for a small used trailer? And is there any infrastructure in or near Shoreline, where I could park that thing, hook it up to electricity and live there?

Thanks for any input over the next few weeks and months.
I'll be in the area for a whole week in mid-November and could meet with people and look at stuff then.

Happy bubbles :D
Hmm I think that may be a hard one to come by...def. looking at roommate situations...but not positive...here is a link for you...go there type in your info and see what comes up...


Browse in the classifieds of that local paper.

Good luck,

sorry to inform you but Seattle is not a cheap place to live. I think you might be able to find something but not without roommates and a little time spent searching. Also check with Shoreline most colleges even the community ones have a board or some way to help students find roommates and affordable housing close to the school.

Good Luck.. and welcome to Seattle.. It is a great place to live and the diving in increadible.
hi and thanks so far for your responses.
maybe i was a bit unclear =) i am definitely looking for a place with roommates (just afraid that if i go very low rent i might end up in a real dump with a bunch of alcoholics or so)... so i am looking for good advice and tips as to where to find a room for around 300 or lower. i know seattle isn't cheap - so is zurich - but even here there is the odd pearl and good opportunity... and it's always good to know some inside information.
also am really wondering about the trailer option...
and would be very grateful also for hints and tips about that.

i am hoping for lots of responses. anything will be really helpful!
so again, thanks so far and have a great day!
liam :D
I think the Enterprise, a free weekly paper that comes out on Fridays and has a website associated with the Everett Herald, may have the latest listings. Mountlake Terrace is NE of Shoreline and has some nice apartments that are reasonably priced.

Good Luck!
I stay at Marvin Gardens Inn, $695/month, completely furnished. www.marvingardens-inn.com

Pros: Cheap; Location is the BEST! - right in Belltown, the fun area of downtown seattle; Can pay weekly, or by the month - no minimum stay; no lease commitments; fully furnished; people are not too bad here

Cons: Real small room, no real stove/oven (electronic top burners are available), quality of rooms is not top-notch but defintely livable and not a dump

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