Looking for a Dive buddy Quad Cities, IL

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I just got my open water certification and can't wait to start diving. This summer I will be in Moline, IL working as an intern for John Deere. I am looking for a dive buddy that I might be able to go diving with a couple of weekends during this next summer. Also if anyone has recomendations on good places to dive around the area that would be most helpful

Thanks in advance

I usally dive solo here in the midwest, Poor vis, nobody around ,etc. I have over 60 dives in solo, 170 dives in total, I dive dry here, in the midwest, but if you want to come along sometime , I usally go to a Mason City (in Iowa )clay pit or to Pearl lake in Ill. We do have Palo Lake ,that has a rope that goes to a dive plate form and then to the drain at the bottom (45 feet)...And or to (never been there) http://www.haighquarry.com/. I am from the Cedar Rapids area or about a 1 1/4 hours from the QC.

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