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I'm a Fish!
Hello, I just moved to Seattle about a week ago from New York, just for my 3 months internship. So I am new to the area and etc... Not only me, but my buddy who is also a Scubaboard member (Yukoneer).

Anyway, I dove with my DUI FLX50/50 recently for the first time. It has SI-5 gloves system and I had to reassemble them to my drysuit. Unfortunately, when I get out of the water, I felt wet in the area of wrists - obviously, I didn't reassemble my gloves system properly. I did followed the exact the same procedure as on www.dui-online.com, using the soap and everything. Doesn't seem to work out for me. So now I am looking for a shop or whoever can reassemble my SI-5 gloves to my drysuit and make sure there is no leakages anymore, do you guys know where/who? I will be apprenicated!
SCUBAJW said: "Hello, I just moved to Seattle about a week ago from New York, just for my 3 months internship. So I am new to the area and etc... Not only me, but my buddy who is also a Scubaboard member (Yukoneer)."

By the way - welcome to Puget Sound! You will find the pool (Puget Sound) in the backyard well worth diving!
Yep - feel free to join us on the 18th and meet a few fellow ScubaBoarders ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Thanks Guys! :)

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