Long stay in underwater house / habitat

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Several years ago our divingclub in The Netherlands has build a underwater house. A steel cylinder, with an entrance at 10 meter. Facilities like, fresh air, light, audio and videoconnections are on board.
I'm wondering if it is possible to stay the night over (like 10 hours), without DCS risks.
My Suunto Divemanager software tells me I reach the no decompression limit after 266 min on air. Breathing 80% O2 in the last our will bring the Nitrogen levels within a acceptable (save) limits.
Breathing EAN32 during these 10 hour period will not exceed the no decompression limits but CNS will be a risk.
I realise the Suunto Divemanager software is not build for 10 hours dives.
So what is your opinion about this issues
Saturation DCS risk starts shallower than 10 meters (33 fsw). Symptoms following a direct ascent from shallow saturation at 7.62 meters (25 fsw) have been described in the literature.(1) There is evidence that the threshold for safe direct ascent following saturation may be around 6 meters (20 fsw).(2)

Hope this helps...

1. Eckenhoff, RG; Osborne, SF; Parker, JW; Bondi, KR. Direct ascent from shallow air saturation exposures. Undersea Biomed Res. 1986 Sep;13(3):305-16. RRR ID: 3049
2. Van Liew, HD; Flynn, ET. Direct ascent from air and N2-O2 saturation dives in humans: DCS risk and evidence of a threshold. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2005 Nov-Dec;32(6):409-19. RRR ID: 4058

Thanks for your reply. I will read the documents. I hope I understand the main part, English is not my native language. :shakehead:
I'm interested in the saturation-point at 10 meter (about 30fsw) at air. The same with EAN32 and the effect of breathing EAN80 in the last hour for both situations.

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