It was apparent on our trip that there was plenty of blame to go around, and as Wookie pointed out, there is a bright side. I'm not here to whine.
But while the Aggressor wasn't 100% ready for this trip, they have made amends for their mistakes. My "pointing the finger" at the Solomar Op is based on what I saw and heard standing on the dock, talking to harbor masters, other operators etc. It was clear that there was more to this problem than the planning errors by Aggressor. And to hear that both the Explorer and the Del Riccio (sp) encountered similar problem in the past only underlines the suspicion.
The fact is that the Aggressor did have a permit for this location. The problem was that suddenly there were questions about whether or not the seal on the permit was current and the hard copy had to be sent to Mexico City and reviewed by legal teams. We can say all we want about how other countries operate, but the whole thing smells fishy to me - and not in the "I've just spent a week underwater" kinda way!
I'm sure there are good experiences aboard the Solomar, and that they do a nice job. However from what I've experienced in that market place, I won't be doing business with them.