'Live Like You Were Dying'

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Chicagoan living in Texas
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I'm a Fish!
I'm not much on country music. I've always been an old rock and roll girl. But, this song sung by (not written by) Tim McGraw has touched me.

So, my question to you, what do you still need to do, to "Live like you were dying"?
I love that song too Natasha, and I'm more of a GodSmack, Pearl Jam type of gal.

To live like I was dying...... I want to sky dive very badly, I need to live with an open mind and heart. Give forgiveness (just like the song says). Just about a year or so ago I really started to take notice that This life is the only one I have. I've made some drastic changes in order to find happiness and to be able to live without regret. I stopped chasing the mighty dollar and left a very large salaried job in which I absolutely couldn't stand working at. Became a divemaster, which equals almost no money at all and I couldn't enjoy it more. Married my honey-man. Started doing things that brought/bring me happiness instead of just remaining idle. I've learned in the last few years that if you love some body, you better damn well tell them cause there might not be a tomorrows second chance.
Natasha, you hit a spot for a lot of us, I think!

I like to think I've tried to make decisions in my life based on the same concept....I moved 1,000 miles to live in a place I knew I wanted to be........I've walked away from a millionaire because I didn't love him enough.....I dive as often as possible right now because I know that maybe someday that option might not be there for me.......in other words, doing actual things that require making active decisions that will change the path and direction of your life.

However, there are other more internal factors that are also important, like the song says:

".......and I spoke sweeter...."
I tend to have a sharp tongue, and lately I've been working very hard on how to be a better communicator to the people in my life, and that one simple line says it all.....

"and I became a friend a friend would like to have"

I've had some great new friends recently (many through this board :)) who have opened my eyes as to the kind of friend and person I'd like to be.....who help teach me about real friendship.

I know it's a little off the intended topic, but one thing about country music that is often overlooked because of the "twang factor" is the simple delivery of complex thoughts/ideas. It often uses those double entedre's/metaphors that really make you smile and listen more closely. It's not all rednecks and misery!
Tim McGraw has several songs of a similar nature to this song that can really get to you as well!
Not real crazy about the song, but the basis for the song is true. If I recall, Tim was adopted, and found his real father. After his father was diagnosed with an incureable illness, did his father reach out to his son.
I am trying to live now like I am dying. I dive whenever I can. I try to cherish my time with Hermit Crab, and treat people the way I want to be treated. And laugh! Laugh! Laugh till your sides hurt. Search for and learn about a power greater than I, and know that I am but a speck of sand on the beach, yet needed for the beach to exist. Do my part and use the gifts that God gave me, including accepting and loving myself as I am (that's a toughie).
i try to be good to melinda, my family, friends (and cats) cause people is all
that really matters in the world.
i try to be good to melinda, my family, friends (and cats) cause people is all
that really matters in the world.

I agree totally. I wear a small medallion around my neck that has a simple statement engraved on it. It says "I Am Third". I was inspired by a book written by Gayle Sayers about his roommate Brian Piccolo. The reasoning behind the statement is this: The Lord is first, my friends are second, and I am third. Before anybody asks about family, know that I count my family as my best and closest friends. I wear this everyday, and try to always keep these thoughts at the center of my life. It keeps me humble, and reminds me of what really matters.
Thank you ladies..and gents..for sharing your stories. They are wonderful, and I can see myself in some of the same situations you have all been in, and are still striving to achieve.

I hope we can all continue to keep these lyrics in mind, while we 'bloom where we are planted' in our daily lives.
I try to live my life to the fullest as much as I am comfortable with everyday. I guess to find the balance between moderation and excitement is the key for me. Otherwise the day is a waste.
I am putting off everything I can till the next time round. :wink: The biggest problem I had the last time around was that I tried to do everything in one go. Now I have learned that procrastination is good. But seriously, I mix my life with things I have to do and things that I would like to do. I don't always get to do both. I always wanted to skydive and I did that last year. Now I want to get certified which is something I don't really need to be doing!! I am a run of the mill friend, there when needed, also there when not. :) I like to think that people can rely on me and I don't see going out of my way for someone as going out of my way. I believe I am a ripple in people's lives not a thunderous wave; a caressing breeze rather than a howling wind. My direction in life is the one I have travelled and the one I am about to start. I can see some of the places I have been to but I don't know where I am going to. I know where I am at the moment and it is the place I like to be the most. I don't believe the end justifies the means because I don't believe in finality. I believe there is always cause and effect forever. I don't live like I am dying because I don't think death is the end. :)
I don't like the song… hahah, sorry country lovers. I think it's tacky. But I do understand the message.

I know I still have many many years ahead of me, so I try to have as much fun now as I can and not to lose sight that these are the time that I can be free of responsibilities. I am REALLY aware of that now that I am going to college in the fall, since things are really going to change after that. I try to experience new stuff while I have the opportunities, and take any chance I get to expand my bubble. It might not be right for everyone, but it certainly works for me.

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