Little Help out there...

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Diving Ron

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Acton, CA
Hey Fellow SB folks, anyone know how to navigate around this beast??? I met up with a diver over the weekend out at Catalina Ilse ans wanted to check up on him.... first person who knew about ScubaBoard... so how do I find this persons "profile"? If I know his "codename" can I locate his profile somehow?

Still floatin' thru ScubaBoard....

Your (pesty) fellow diver, Diving Ron

[still with NOTHING COOL down here at the bottom of the page]
You can go up to the bar at the top and hit search, type in his name.
Welcome to ScubaBoard.
You can go up to the bar at the top and hit search, type in his name.
:hmmm: If you do that, you will get a list of threads he's posted in. Find one of his posts, then click his UserName, where you'll get a choice of view profile.

Or, go to UserCP, then Send Message on the left side menu, and send him one.
Use Search. However that will only work if that member has posted before.

If they are a member but haven't posted before you can use this link.

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