Little diver to be

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Hey All
I just found out I will be land locked for awhile. I'm pregnant!!!!
Which I am over come with joy, but I am getting bored my life is basically diving working on gear, planning dives and more diving. And I am finding the transition to land support hard. I am actually finding myself getting jealous of my husband going on all of the dives. I know there are other women out there who have gone through this and how they dealt with it. I have a hard time being surface support because I feel like I'm missing out. and studying new dive books makes me want to plan dives. Heck I can't even go on a dive boat with my husband because now that I'm pregnant I get sea sick. any words of advice will be greatly appreciated. thank you. :babycrawl
congrats!! what a blessing!

ok - shore support cant be over-rated!

bake scuba themed cookies & home made chocs (cookie cutters & choc moulds on ebay)

otherwise... what about a scuba related business that you can spend time on. create a child scuba-themed clothing line and pimp the stuff here

create a website for all your pics and trips ect?
Congratulations! Your life will change forever. Mostly for the best, enjoy!
Oh how I feel your pain! My 2 sons are 10 and 13...both certified. I'm just about to remarry and my fiance wants a baby. Ive been there...he hasn't. Baby=say goodbye to diving on a regular basis.

The good news is they eventually turn 10 and there is nothing better than diving with your kids :)
Hey CONGRATS enjoy because before you know it there grown up. My son is 25 my daughter is 22 it just seems like the other day that they were babies.Hey it s true they grow up fast.
Thanks for your congrats. I am very excited about becoming a mother.
I guess I'll just have too take up something else for 9 months.
I guss I can still snorkel...but that is just a
thanks again
Hey and please let me add to the general congrats all around!!
Maybe a good time to get all your equipment serviced :) Sorry couldnt resist!

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