Mo2vation, do you carry your light when you are taking photos?
Its a parlor game - its the ol' lets-see-how-much-crapola-I-can-hold-and-clip trick.
I spend most of my time diving (as opposed to shooting) so the light is on my left hand. The camera is in my right (in dive mode.) Its sort of like this:
Dive Dive Dive - zot under that rock, zot into that hole with the light...
LOOKIE - there's something cool to shoot...
Light head gets clipped to right D-Ring (I have the clip on the cord, not the handle, so the beam points downward when clipped off.) Of course, I'm right handed, and the camera is in my right hand (you see where this is going.) So I take my right hand (full of cam) and pull the light head off the back of my left hand, grab the light head (cord) clip with my left hand, reach across my chest and clip off to the right D-Ring - as I watch my buddy (who didn't see my light flailing around) swim off... I went to the left handed cross chest overlapping lacross grip method after about the second or third time I punched myself in the grill with the strobe when clipping off the light head with right hand (same hand holding the cam) to right D-Ring. Why not clip the light head with the left hand to left D-Ring and avoid the self clubbing? Because I'm a spaz. The overrated Scout light is on that one, and its tough to clip to cuz its sort of pulled down pretty tightly with the inner-tube holding the overrated Scout to the webbing.
If by some miracle the subject is still in the same zip code after all of this (see how most of my pics of slow moving stuff?!) I now put cam in left hand, while turning on the LCD display, the strobe and the modeling light and try to compose the shot - The good news is by this time my buddy has noticed my abscence, and has returned to administer UW first aid to my throbbing dome.
This gets more complicated if its been a slow photo day, and I've clipped off the cam to the right D-Ring (I have a large stainless split ring on the tray with a SS bolt snap). Insert into the melee above unclipping the cam and you get the idea.
So as you can imagine, being pretty new to this shooting UW thing, that its still Columbo-esque as I am patting myself down, clipping and unclipping things, crossing arms and moving stuff around. If fish could laugh, I'd have some great pics, I'm sure.
I'm going to try the Uncle Pug thumb through the goodman handle trick next dive. Could make for one handed stowing of the light, and if I can swing the light out of the camera's FOV, I may not have to stow the light at all. I've given this the dry run after my last trip - it sort of worked. I'm gonna give it a run this weekend.
Long answer to your short question - Yes, I carry the light, yes its fly-swatting exhibition, yes I'm working on streamling the operation.