Life after quitting smoking

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My impetus to quit smoking was my 5 yr. old son pestering me about why I had such an unhealthy, smelly habit. So I told everyone around me that I was quitting and would be a miserable sob for awhile. I went cold turkey and had a difficult time wanting a smoke with coffee, stress, post-sex, booze, social events, etc, for about 6 mos. Then I became intolerant of smoking smells and a happy camper. I see no sense in substituting one unhealthy addiction for another, like vaping.
My impetus to quit smoking was my 5 yr. old son pestering me about why I had such an unhealthy, smelly habit. So I told everyone around me that I was quitting and would be a miserable sob for awhile. I went cold turkey and had a difficult time wanting a smoke with coffee, stress, post-sex, booze, social events, etc, for about 6 mos. Then I became intolerant of smoking smells and a happy camper. I see no sense in substituting one unhealthy addiction for another, like vaping.
Congrats on quitting cold turkey for your son - that's really admirable. Parenting can definitely provide great motivation to make positive changes. I'm glad to hear you made it through the tough 6 months and are now happily smoke-free. Thanks for sharing your experience too. You're right that it's best not to replace one addiction with another.
I have such a demeanor, that people rush to hand their babies to me
I would tell them I smoke and if the baby sucked my finger, it will die
years later I say the same thing, might grab some nicotine aftershave

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