Things must be REALLY boring over where you are if this is something important to you. I mean really, renaming snorkeling? Might as well suggest we rename the "dive buddy" (already been discussed), or the airplane. It's an interesting "idea" but is in no way serious.
Yes, thanks for making such a well thought out comment. The SE Asian tropics is no Oklahoma as far as boring goes, that's for sure. Plus, I've never written a book on treasure hunting, so that's another snarky comment you should have made.
As for the only serious back on forth that's gone on here in the last few days, yes, I find it really interesting. How words have evolved over time and from continent to continent is incredibly important. Language development/etymology/linguistics are the tools we use communicate and evolve. As an in instructor, I have already introduced some of the things I've learned here into my classroom. Especially the French origins of "free diving" that meant, simply, diving without surface supplied air.
David has introduced me to something new, and I always find something new anything but boring. I hope I don't ever stop educating myself.
Now, as for "re-branding" anything, I couldn't really be bothered. I leave that to the marketers of the world. I would suggest, fire_diver, that you might think about "re-branding" treasure hunting. "Pirate-ing" comes to mind. "Equipment assisted rubbish rummaging" would also be suitable.
Any more useful posts you could add would be appreciated.