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The scenarios that one can think of after reading this article (read past the nuclear submarine & CIA part (but do tell if you were part of this!!!) on to the actual mining part) really don't leave me feeling so well. What could possibly go wrong. After all "The Experts" determined that grinding up sea floor that deep won't affect anything that matters. :(:(:(
Oh good then... for a second there I was worried... what all might be caused by house sized robotic sea-floor grinding monsters...:(:(:(

The secret on the ocean floor - BBC News

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Personally if they are going to grind up the sea floor besides worrying about the damage to deep sea creatures I would be most worried about methane hydrate.
Methane Hydrate slicks biggest concern - Nautilus have been trying to get this running in PNG for a decade...guess they just haven't paid enough graft to get started yet.

China are actively doing similar now.
I was teaching marine biology at a private school on Catalina Island when the Glomar Explorer was conducting tests off our island. We couldn't get near the vessel due to the security. When I heard the story that they were planning to mine manganese nodules, I thought it not only suspicious but also, if true, disturbing.
I was teaching marine biology at a private school on Catalina Island when the Glomar Explorer was conducting tests off our island. We couldn't get near the vessel due to the security. When I heard the story that they were planning to mine manganese nodules, I thought it not only suspicious but also, if true, disturbing.
Organic chemicals trapped in the sediments at that extreme depth might have some serious repercussions if released, particularly methane compounds that my eventually reach the atmosphere. Personally I think the release of methane from thawing permafrost is going to accelerate the climate change much sooner and more significantly than ocean mining. Still, a worrisome idea.

My understanding is that hydro thermal vents go extinct periodically and they become devoid of life as the ocean floor passes over the volcanic energy sources. This was how the Hawaiian islands formed. Considering our track record for clean, environmentally friendly mineral extraction....
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sometimes I cant believe mans stupidity destroying this planet
I look at American leadership, and sadly not surprised.... Let me toss another shovel of sweet, clean coal on the fire....
All true but those mining companies are Canadien (and often Australian).

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