Here's a pic of the likely CFs that happen when this stuff goes down..
Note: These are all from Palau
Edit: I just had to add this...this picture is one of the biggest CFs I have ever seen captured on film. It's kinda hard to tell what is what, so look at it for a second. Note the diver in pink clutching the reef with both hands hanging on for dear life. Then look at the jumble of fins and bodies all lying on the reef and grasping at hand holds. This is diving at its worst..
Here's a pic of the likely CFs that happen when this stuff goes down..
Note: These are all from Palau
Edit: I just had to add this...this picture is one of the biggest CFs I have ever seen captured on film. It's kinda hard to tell what is what, so look at it for a second. Note the diver in pink clutching the reef with both hands hanging on for dear life. Then look at the jumble of fins and bodies all lying on the reef and grasping at hand holds. This is diving at its worst..