Ok, so I've been to Lembeh 7 times, and my 8th trip will be next month

In all my previous stays, I have stayed at KBR (Kungkungan Bay Resort). As with other dive resorts around the world, they were hit by declining guest numbers due to the economy, and have downgraded their soft product as a way to bring down resort prices. The thing is that while it's now cheaper to stay at KBR, I dislike the changes they've made (note: this has
nothing to do with the quality of their dive operations which are still phenomenal, it is specifically about the resort itself). This is just a personal opinion and others may find the changes acceptable. I would have been prepared to keep paying what they used to charge. So this time, on my 8th trip to Lembeh, I've decided to stay at Lembeh Resort instead. Time will tell how it compares.
The reason I like KBR (and Lembeh Resort) is because of their serious setups for photographers. If you are not a desperate obsessive photographer and just want to "go have a look at the critters" and you're not about to throw a tantrum because
you still haven't seen that damn hairy octopus...find me a hairy octopus then it's probably not as big of a deal for you to have the kind of setups that KBR and Lembeh Resort have.