Sound reasoning and science trumps your feelings
It's a safety stop. It's not mandatory. Don't call it a deco stop. That has implications. It's not simply a "syntax" thing. If you go on a rec boat and tell them you did a 3 minute deco stop you're liable to get benched for the next dive. Especially if you do something like say, "I blew my deco stop."
Words have meaning. Use the right ones.
This is not the same as the nebulous concept of every dive being a deco dive.
You are responsible for your cylinder contents. You are responsible for analyzing. The dive shop should provide you with an analyzer and analyze in front of you at some point. Painters tape is quite a common way of marking cylinder contents, typically with a MOD, initials, often with an indication of pressure too. Having your own analyzer is smart. Nitrox bands on tanks mean absolutely nothing. They're a stupid concept.
Your buddy sucked. That's why instabuddies suck. Price you pay for having that conversation a little too late. That being said, if you don't bring your own buddy, and the boat requires a buddy, you're stuck with what you get.
I misspoke, read a previous reply.
I had buddy, he wasn't allowed on at the last minute due to their scheduling issues, not what I am "stuck with", no refund either, as I'd rather of had him as a buddy
My "Conversation a little late", not entirely fault, my motion sickness was far worse then I had expected and I wasn't assigned a buddy until I was already yakking over the side of the boat and he was already in the water by the time I was gearing up.
Stupid concept or not, labels are a valid means for identification, we use them in engineering and aviation, for gases and liquids. The analyzer was supposed to be supplied, but my buddy wasn't allowed on, so went the analyzer I was going to use, given I couldn't source one myself and they didn't have one on "that boat", as I was put on another boat than the one I was originally supposed to be on.
Overall, it was a sh!t show, no doubt. A learning experience? Absolutely! Honestly, what we cost oflearnes,the charting our own boat for 3-5 dives is worth it for us, I'd gladly pay $500 to not deal with whatever comes on the boat, especially people who can't STFU on the boat for more than 5 minutes.
Now, back to watching my Astros screw up the world series