So I bought a cheap LED light on ebay and it is flickering and dimming badly. It is a Trustfire TR-J1. What could be causing this and is it repairable?
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I had a similar issue with the Trustfire - the light would periodically dim, and shaking the light would temporarily fix it.
Turned out to be a simple fix. Remove the battery and shake the light - if you hear anything rattling or moving, there's a loose component. In my case, it was the ring holding down the driver. Removing the head and tightening the ring cured the issue - otherwise the Trustfire has been a great, compact dive light (held up great on a recent trip doing 26 dives over 6 days with one dive down to 185ft).
This may sound a little odd to people but I highly recommend you try a different set of batteries.
Allot of these lights are powered by lithium ion batteries that have protection circuitry in them to prevent them form exploding during charging and destructive discharge. This protection circuitry can kick in during when your light is drawing 'excessive' current causing the light to flicker.
Combine the fact that the quality control on battery manufacturers is well non existent for the cells you buy on ebay/deal extreme etc... and that companies are over driving their LEDs in order to get the maximum light out of them and you end up with a recipe for annoyance for end users.
I had a similar issue with the Trustfire - the light would periodically dim, and shaking the light would temporarily fix it.
Turned out to be a simple fix. Remove the battery and shake the light - if you hear anything rattling or moving, there's a loose component. In my case, it was the ring holding down the driver. Removing the head and tightening the ring cured the issue - otherwise the Trustfire has been a great, compact dive light (held up great on a recent trip doing 26 dives over 6 days with one dive down to 185ft).