We saw some remarkable things the past two weeks too. July 17th-30th. Largest lobster, both slipper and spiny. Rays (spotted and southern), lots of eels, though less than in 2007.
Saw this fluorescent, transparent tube shaped worm one night. Don't even know how to classify it to try to ID. Of course it was a night dive when I didn't take my camera and hubby didn't take his video. That was also the dive where a huge Ray literally ran into my husband and for some reason, (full moon?) we were swarmed by tiny spirally worms, brine shrimp and bright blue 2 inch fish. So bad we turned off our lights and tried to outrun them, they wer such a nuisance!
Water was incredibly warm, 84 most dives. Our favorite spots were Taylor Made, Karpata, Oil Slick and Red Slave.
Unable to do Lac Cai or the White Hole, currents were strong the day we went out there. Caught 3 bonefish each on snorkel/fly, man was that a hoot!
I would not bother with the northernmost dives again. Long drive to dive on crushed elk horn coral, although that was where we saw the giant lobster.
We took it easy the second week as my parrents were with us. Maybe dove a total of only 23for two weeks? But each dive was very special, especially the nights on Oil Slick. Actually dove in the nude one night, what a rush!