Learning Zone Special Rules
ScubaBoard Staff has designated a number of forums as Learning Zones, which are subject to these special rules:
Learning Zones are intended to be very friendly, both flame and snark free.
Members of all skill levels may ask questions without fear of being belittled in any way.
Before clicking reply, ask yourself: Would I use this phrasing if I was teaching my daughter or boss to dive?
Please show respect and courtesy at all times.
Remember that the inquirer is looking for answers that they can understand. This applies to members who are not divers yet, through old salts with decades of experience. A certified cave instructor may have very little experience in open sea and saturation divers may have almost no time using Scuba.
Any off-topic or overly harsh responses will be removed.
Learning Zones are not open for threads offering goods or services.
Please report posts that are not honoring these principals.
These are Learning Zone forums:
ScubaBoard Staff has designated a number of forums as Learning Zones, which are subject to these special rules:

Please report posts that are not honoring these principals.
These are Learning Zone forums:
- New Divers & Those Considering Diving
- Snorkeling & Freediving
- Basic Scuba
- Diving Into New Gear
- Ask a Scuba Instructor (old Instructor's Panel Forum)
- Thinking of a Diving Career? (old Going Pro Forum)
- Diving Physics, Physiology, & Medicine (Split from the old Marine Science and Physiology forum)
- Accidents, Incidents, & Near Misses
Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.