Dive #1
Elapsed time: 29 minutes
Vis: 25 ft
Max depth: 79 ft
Min temp: 76
Average depth: 63 ft
Start pressure: 3,398
End pressure: 110
F02: 33%
It was crawling with snapper and permit and unfortunately right when we dropped in the gags took off, my buddy was able to tag a 28 incher as they were swimming away. There were about 6 goliaths on the wreck and the mangroves, at least the big ones, were tucked under the bow of the wreck and under the goliath.
I saw a nice size keeper so I took the shot and immediately one of the goliaths jumped on it, so I swam down the line and was able to scare him off with the butt end of my gun. It took me longer than usually to get this mangrove on the stringer because I shot it late and in the gut.
Once I finally did get it on the stringer I dropped back down and eyed up the hole under the bow and there was a flash of almost fluorescent green, I swear I thought I saw a dragon

Then I look behind the smaller snapper and there is a huge mangrove behind one of them at least 25 inches probably closer to 30 and I got the shot off and the minute it hit the whole underside of the wreck went crazy, I think I may have went through the snapper and clipped a goliath.
I start reeling in my line as fast as I could and somehow after thrashing around in the hole he wiggles off my spear and it totally sucked cause it would have been the biggest mangrove I have ever gotten.
So I am re-loading and there it is, the biggest eel I had ever seen in my life, longer than me so plus 6 foot and he was a brilliant green color, swear it looked like a dragon, he swam from the hole I was shooting in to the other side of the wreck. That made me pucker up a little.
Meanwhile I am messing with the mangroves my buddy is on the other side of the wreck shooting two really nice size permit. I figured this out cause as I was reloading I saw him get drug to the other side of the wreck by the bigger one lol.
So I finish loading and one of the bigger goliaths decides to come out from under the wreck and swim up behind me, eyeballing the snapper I have on my stringer. We have a staring contest for a couple minutes and he takes off so I find another decent size mangrove under the bow, nothing like the one earlier though. I get reloaded, my watch is beeping I am down to about 800 lbs but I am right on the front of the wreck where we dropped in so I just have to go straight up to the boat. So I find another pretty decent size mangrove and I take the shot and totally miss lol *facepalm* and now my spear is stuck in the sand and some net right under the wreck and I am hesitant to get down there because these goliath's are all stirred up and I literally shot into one of their beds. Plus, as a newer diver I usually come up at 800 lbs.
So I get down to my spear and I am jerking left and right and its not coming up I need to get my knife under the tab on the spear and flip it up to pull it out but I decide not to risk it and undo my swivel and leave my spear in the ground under the wreck and thankfully my buddy came in behind me and was able to get it out. I do my safety stop and head back to the boat.