leaky wrist seal

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Corvallis, Oregon
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100 - 199
I just got my USIA aqua pro plus drysuit and it is great except one thing. My wrists get wet every time I dive. My undergarment gets soaked up the arm about 4-5 inches. I have not trimmed the seals at all, and it is brand new. I think it is because I have such skinny wrists, that when I flex my hand, I get a "dent" in my wrist. What can I do to solve this problem without jumping into dry gloves?

This part is for Jerry, or anyone else that might know,
can I have dry gloves put on and keep the seals in place? I saw a shell suit the other day (not USIA) and it had dry gloves, but also latex seals. And also how much is it to have dry gloves put on?
Skinny wrists are most likely the problem. If you pinch your thumb and pinky together and see a very prominent tendon, it's almost certainly the problem.

You can get dry glove rings that install on the seals with no need to remove the seal. You basically install them by turning the arm of the suit inside out, install the seal "inside" the arm, securing it with a an o-ring in the groove on the cuff ring and then turing the arm right side out again. This leaves the cuff ring on the outside with the seal still intact inside the cuff ring.

You can then use a piece of 3/8 OD silicone tubing under the seal along the bottom of your wrist to eqalize the air space in the glove. The nice thing is if you puncture a glove it is relatively easy to work the tubing out and prevent additional flooding of the suit.
I just got my USIA aqua pro plus drysuit and it is great except one thing. My wrists get wet every time I dive. My undergarment gets soaked up the arm about 4-5 inches. I have not trimmed the seals at all, and it is brand new. I think it is because I have such skinny wrists, that when I flex my hand, I get a "dent" in my wrist. What can I do to solve this problem without jumping into dry gloves?

This part is for Jerry, or anyone else that might know,
can I have dry gloves put on and keep the seals in place? I saw a shell suit the other day (not USIA) and it had dry gloves, but also latex seals. And also how much is it to have dry gloves put on?
Leaky wrists are a common problem on people who are skinny. Dry gloves are the best alternative. The Si Tech dry glove system is the one we sell and recommend. Call Mike at Eugene Skin Divers and he can give you a good price.
I had the same problem you did for a long time and just delt with it. I was also having problem with my neck seal giving me a rash and sometimes leaking. For the neck I finally decided on going to neoprene. I couldn't be happier. Believe it or not it's actually dryer than my latex was. I have not had it leak at all. At the same time I decided to do something about my wrist seals leaking. I tried the Apollo Bioseals. I have not had a drop of water come in through my wrists since starting to use them. I am a complete convert. Last weekend I had a wrist seal tear afer the day of diving. I sent it in for seal replacements and decided to try neoprene wrist seals. I'll let you guys know if they leak or not. I do plan on using the Bioseals with them.
You can try pulling the seals up a little more on your forearms. This will eliminate some of the leakage and doesn't cost anything.
Two fixes:
1. Try a conical wrist seal - the bottom part is less than 2 inches across laying flat and it will seal over a 2inch zone on you wrist - dry arms!

2. Seals (bottle top shaped) also comes in different sizes. I just had a S size seal glued on my dry suit instead of the original M size that came with the suit. And it work like a dream and is less of a pain than the conical seal due to a shorter over all lenght. (had conical seals for many years)

I wear dry gloves in the winter - the Sitech type with the seals still attached. The rings stay on the whole year. However, I'm sorry I didn't get the type where the glove ring is attached to the suit ring with a J-slot. The Sitech system where you just press the two rings together always leaves me in doubt of the seal until I'm submerged.

BTW never had a seal split on me - choose seal that are 2mm in stead of 1mm in thickness.
I cut an old wrist seal and made a band out of the last 2 inches or so and wear that under my wrist seal. It stopped the leak on mine.
Just curious what the going rate is for wrist and neck seal replacements.
My DUI is probably going to need a neck seal this spring.
Anybody just get one done?

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