Lead weights -- going the way of the Dodo bird?

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Originally posted by sactomags
Rumors have been going around a bit that the government (I think it is just being tossed around in California ... where many things start and others follow) may be stepping in some time in the future to disallow lead weights for divers because they may get lost and the lead in the water can become toxic to the marine life. I know that latter is true, and I know many divers also "rescue" those lost weight belts/pockets, etc. This may also affect those who fish with lead weights.

So, what alternatives should we be looking at to replace the lead weights? Rocks don't fit in pockets too well, plus you are supposed to take nothing and leave only bubbles ... although I may joke about this, I also believe that it may become an issue.

Thoughts, anyone?


IMHO, somebody's pulling your leg or started an absurd, but marginally credible, rumor just to see how far it would go!
There is indeed a push to remove lead - ostensibly to "protect the environment" - there's no science to support it, so an emotional appeal is being backchanneled... it is a total red herring.
So why in the world do these self-proclaimed protectors of the world want to take your lead away???
They want another way around the second ammendment!
Don't bet on it being a hoax Don, there was a serious attempt to ban lead fishing weights a few years ago. It was great for weight mold makers.
Herman, as was stated in an earlier post birds and waterfowl were picking up the lead shot and usig it as stones in their gizzard. This caused lead poisoning and death in high enough numbers that the Fed banned lead shot for water fowl. I enjoy the gizzard from ducks and it isn't uncommon to find steel shot inside.

Part of the wording in the last attempt to ban lead fishing weights read if the object in question was less than one inch on any face it would be banned. You can all see the serious fallacy in this arguement, but it was tried. Thats whats scary to me.

i can't comment on what is going on in the u.s. but when we ordered our last order of lead last fall our supplier informed us this could be the last time we can get lead we wil probably have to start buying coated lead because the canadian government is ready to ban lead weight because of environmental and health concerns.
Sounds like the recent failed legislation in California to allow oil companies to remove obsolete oil rigs in the Pacific Ocean, while being allowed to leave in place the pilings which form fantastic artificial reefs. The greenies are so anti-oil in their mindset that they lobbied to have the oil companies have to pay to remove the entire structures, including to a depth of 15 feet below the sea floor. So instead of leaving in place a bunch of pilings which support who knows how much sealife, they want to rip up the sea floor. Anyone who has dived a pier or oil rig can see for themselves the amount of marine habitat pilings create (not that I advocate putting in NEW oil rigs!). I think the supporters of the artificial reefs are going to try and get the legislation through again though.

In other words, people without a clue forcing their ideals on everyone else regardless of the true nature of the problem, or the problems that the solution causes, all in the name of the environment.

I don't disagree on the banning of lead shot, and even have reservations about the use of fishing leads where they pose a danger to seabirds, but diving weights?!?! Get a life!
This kind of stuff burns my butt. I think one of the problems with the industrialized world is that we have a whole lot of ignorant "advocates" out there. They listen to junk science, believe it and condemn anyone who questions their faulty conclusions.

The problem with “advocates” is that they really don’t care what the truth is because they are so caught up in their cause. Science is just a tool to convince others to believe the same way that the advocates do.

The whole thing defies common sense. How many of you have ever dropped a weight that you didn’t recover? I never have. Usually I need all the weight I’ve got on me. If I dropped some I’d be finning down to pick it up before I bobbed to the surface and got to spend the weekend at Duke.

I think you're out of line. No one here is an "advocate" of carelessly littering the seafloor with lead. I don't think anyone drops their weights as a routine, and intends to abandon them.

The point us "scientists" were trying to make is that the abandoned lead will do no harm -- not that people should start tossing weight belts overboard as a means of disposal. I'd rather keep our waters pristine -- all of us would -- but we take comfort that, should we have to drop a weight belt, it's not going to hurt any marine life.

And if you're suggesting that someone dying of DCS is somehow "better" than them leaving a weight belt on the seafloor, your priorities are a little confused.

- Warren
We got the lead out of gasoline and bird shot. Those were good things to do. However, attempting to ban lead sinkers and weights is silly and certainly not based on any science, well, maybe junk science.

Common sense and Warrens calcs indicate the non issue for waterways. There are some real concerns about drinking from lead vessels and water pipes. So, the use of lead plumber's solder is now banned in the US. Makes one wonder what they are doing about mercury amalgam fillings. That's been on the table for 10 years. That issue is closer to home I would say. What's good for the goose......
I personally don't see it ever hapenning. So there is nothing to worry about! There are to many fishermen in this country who make there own weights and I know atleast three divers that make them to. So they can have fun trying to get rid of them.

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