I have layered a 7mm full over a 2mm shortie for extra warmth in cold waters. Combined with neoprene socks, there isn't much water flowing in and out. The neoprene layers themselves will not keep you warm. The warm water inside the suit will.
The neoprene of a wetsuit (1) traps water around your body, and (2) slows its cooling rate.
I'm going to dive in TCI next week. The plan is to layer a 2mm shortie and a 2mm full.
- insulation : either way, I'll end up with 4mm oevr my torso and 2mm over my limbs
- water flow : I would presume the shortie (unlined seams) under the full would be better, however Pearldiver07's idea would suggest that the gaps created by the seams could lead to more water flowing in and out.
As a scientist, I'd love to make a few experiments
Anyway, the full on top feels too tight (a big no no) so I'm gonna go with the shortie over the full suit.
The neoprene of a wetsuit (1) traps water around your body, and (2) slows its cooling rate.
I'm going to dive in TCI next week. The plan is to layer a 2mm shortie and a 2mm full.
- insulation : either way, I'll end up with 4mm oevr my torso and 2mm over my limbs
- water flow : I would presume the shortie (unlined seams) under the full would be better, however Pearldiver07's idea would suggest that the gaps created by the seams could lead to more water flowing in and out.
As a scientist, I'd love to make a few experiments
Anyway, the full on top feels too tight (a big no no) so I'm gonna go with the shortie over the full suit.