Lawyers Evil or Saints?

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McDonald's did it's normal knee-jerk reaction when it got complaints about cold coffee... it cranked up the temp of the coffee so that it was unreasonably hot.

What the heck is unreasonably hot coffee?

I happen to know something about coffee...good coffee. When I cook mine it's perking/boiling when I turn it off and fill my cup. That's about 212 deg f right? It don't get any hotter unless you put it under pressure.

I've never hear anything so horses fanny rediculous...well since earlier today anyway.

Also, when I was younger I spent a total of about 5 years working for McDonalds in various positions at different store around the country. While my experience with them is a little out of date I've never known them to make what you would call a knee jerk reaction. Things like temperatures are corp wide and the individual store doesn't usually have a choice. Ever notice all the beepers they have these days? While they didn't use nearly as many beepers years ago while I was there, it's all designed so that everything is the same everyplace. Even if they screw up they put a lot of energy into making some of those decisions.

If they turned the temp of the coffee up it wasn't because of a single customer complaint and they likely had guys travel the world sampleing coffee and sticking little thermometers in it. LOL

If I remember right (and I may not) there was no temp adjustment on the coffee machines, at least not an external one. I even worked maintainance for a while and while I had to check, and set, temperatures on some things, the coffee machine wasn't one of them.

McDonalds is so standardized they would make DIR look like a bunch of personal preference crazed rebels.
Well, lawyers usually do NOT go public, except for those wishing to make a name for themselves (If the glove does NOT fit... :D ) They are more concerned with protecting the rights and PRIVACY of their clients.

But slandering lawyers seems to be in vogue these days, just like hating mechanics (who are all are crooks... just ask a lawyer) or dentists (they use rogaine on their arms... really!). It is human nature to villify those who you do not understand as it makes you sound so, so... "cool" I guess. I don't buy it and I abhor all forms of bigotry, discrimination and hatred.
I've never known them to make what you would call a knee jerk reaction.
OK, Mike... try and buy a "Super Size" anything. A super sized moron (not a lawyer mind you) wrote his little book and McKneeJerk pulled all of the Super sized goods out of their stores! THAT made a lot of sense!
I did not start, and I certainly did not title this thread. I refuse to take any responsibility for it.
I did not start, and I certainly did not title this thread. I refuse to take any responsibility for it.

quite right... it's much easier to blame others rather than to
take responsibility. it's the way of the world, no?

wait... wait... i see it now! it was a LAWYER that made that first post, faking your name and all!

and it was a LAWYER who kept posting your posts!

how dare they! :eyebrow:

how do you like the thread title now? :eyebrow:
Ohhh Someone's feeling a might defensive...

How about this for a title?

Legal liability and diving?

It was a lawyer who split it off from a thread where it made sense because he felt a little threatened because I was hitting a little too close to reality.

We are not in a court room, would you care to deal with the information or just kep trying to make me look like an idiot?
How about this for a title?

Legal liability and diving?


Better, now as a lawyer, and a diver, you have a much clearer perspective of the issue than most of us, care to share some thoughts?
quite right... it's much easier to blame others rather than to
take responsibility. it's the way of the world, no?

wait... wait... i see it now! it was a LAWYER that made that first post, faking your name and all!

and it was a LAWYER who kept posting your posts!

how dare they! :eyebrow:

how do you like the thread title now? :eyebrow:
Looks to me like it was a lawyer who split this into it's own thread, making seabear's post the first one. A lawyer who named it. And renamed it. And renamed it yet again. A lawyer who responded to the posts. Am I wrong again?
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