NetDoc:McDonald's did it's normal knee-jerk reaction when it got complaints about cold coffee... it cranked up the temp of the coffee so that it was unreasonably hot.
What the heck is unreasonably hot coffee?
I happen to know something about coffee...good coffee. When I cook mine it's perking/boiling when I turn it off and fill my cup. That's about 212 deg f right? It don't get any hotter unless you put it under pressure.
I've never hear anything so horses fanny rediculous...well since earlier today anyway.
Also, when I was younger I spent a total of about 5 years working for McDonalds in various positions at different store around the country. While my experience with them is a little out of date I've never known them to make what you would call a knee jerk reaction. Things like temperatures are corp wide and the individual store doesn't usually have a choice. Ever notice all the beepers they have these days? While they didn't use nearly as many beepers years ago while I was there, it's all designed so that everything is the same everyplace. Even if they screw up they put a lot of energy into making some of those decisions.
If they turned the temp of the coffee up it wasn't because of a single customer complaint and they likely had guys travel the world sampleing coffee and sticking little thermometers in it. LOL
If I remember right (and I may not) there was no temp adjustment on the coffee machines, at least not an external one. I even worked maintainance for a while and while I had to check, and set, temperatures on some things, the coffee machine wasn't one of them.
McDonalds is so standardized they would make DIR look like a bunch of personal preference crazed rebels.